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Two Nations Live on the Edge

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1 Two Nations Live on the Edge
Ch. 18 Sec. 4 Review Two Nations Live on the Edge

2 1. Soviets Explode their 1st Atomic Bomb in 1949
US responds with first hydrogen bomb… 67 times more powerful than Hiroshima’s A-bomb. Da Bomb

3 Just Nuke It... Again

4 Eisenhower Doctrine



7 Mohammad Mossadegh The democratically elected Prime Minister
, Iranian prime minister places the oil industry in Iran under the Iranian government’s control US gives millions of bucks to anti-Mossadegh supporters to overthrow him and return the pro-American Shah of Iran back to power. Mohammad Mossadegh The democratically elected Prime Minister

8 A communist newspaper's office equipment is burned in the streets of Tehran on August 19, 1953, during the pro-Shah riot that swept through Iran's capital. After a day of fighting, Royalist forces triumphed and Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh was ousted. A declassified CIA document acknowledges that the agency was involved in the coup.

9 Shah of Iran 1953 to 1979

10 3. The Guatemalan head of government gave American-owned land in Guatemala to Guatemalan peasants
CIA trained an army of Guatemalan guerilla forces and invaded Guatemala. The leader of the army became dictator.



13 4.1956, Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt and occupied the Suez Canal
US/UN respond by persuading Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw their troops; deescalating tensions.


15 5. Soviet Tanks invaded Hungary and fired on protesters in 1956
Soviets swiftly crush the Hungarian rebellion (30,000 Hungarians die). US sends no help at all…


17 6. In 1957, the Soviet Union launches Sputnik
Beaten to space!?!?!?! They can read our minds?!!?!?!?!!? They can deliver nukes to my child’s bedroom!?!?!?!!?!?!? Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….. millions poured into the space program to launch our own satellite and go to the moon… eventually.


19 Laika Soviets send first animal into space.


21 The Right Stuff… almost Eventually…
Our Response……….. The Right Stuff… almost Eventually…








29 Congress’s Bunker Greenbrier

30 Bert the Turtle Example

31 7. 1960, Soviet Union shoots down an American U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers
Eisenhower stops the flights, but does not apologize. USSR cancels Eisenhower’s invitation to the USSR and the 1960’s open with great tension.

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