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Incorporating changing population size into the coalescent

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating changing population size into the coalescent"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating changing population size into the coalescent

2 Computation of SNPs in the public human genome data
SNPs - Heritable &variable landmarks useful as markers in human genome (disease mapping, population structure). Overlaps of large-insert genome clones - nearly 500,000 SNPs present. Studied distribution of marker density observed at different overlap length scales under a model of recombination and population size change. History of population sequence - bottleneck pattern.

3 Population Density Distribution in Different Epochs

4 Modeling Marker Density Distributions

5 Differential demographic history in three large world populations.
Studied the SNP allele frequency in different populations. Derived a (simple), closed mathematical formulation. These results when used in model fitting experiments revealed significant population-specific difference. European and Asian - bottleneck-shaped history. 5. African-American - moderate but uninterrupted population expansion.

6 Folded spectra under stationary
History, at various sample sizes Allele Frequency Spectra predicted under competing scenarios of population history.

7 Model Fitting to folded AFS in Different Population Groups
European Asian African - American

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