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Elemental Analysis of Beer Manufactured in

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1 Elemental Analysis of Beer Manufactured in
Virginia Satellite Breweries Jennifer Williams Advisor: Dr. Samrat Thapa Lynchburg College Good Morning. My name is Jennifer Williams and I had the opportunity to take a few months to research on my favorite and probably a few of our favorite In this research alongside Dr. Thapa, we focused on comparing the elemental composition between beer produced in original California base breweries and the respective Virginia satellite breweries. A Satellite brewery is a brewery that operates and services in a different state than the parent facility. This expansion to another part of the country which can have a tremendous impact in the craft beer industry.

2 National Impact of Craft Beer
What is a craft beer? Small - 6 million gallons Independent - 25% Economy impact $23.5 billion -2016 Job creation 129,000 jobs Craft Beer is unique in the fact that it is beer that is produce on a smaller scale by micro breweries than by macro breweries like Anheuser-Busch and Miller. According to the Brewers Association, Craft breweries produce less than 6 million gallons of beer annually, does not have a macro brewery owning more than 25% on the company (sorry devil backbone fans) and use classic brewing methods. The craft beer industry has according to Brewers Association added 23.5 billion dollars to the 2016 United States economy and has created over 129,000 jobs

3 Craft Breweries in Virginia
Why Virginia? Tax incentives Less saturated market Economic impact $9.34 billion Job creation 28,000 jobs Much of that impact has trickled down into Virginia which had over the last 6 years really have seen a huge increase in the craft beer industry. Virginia legislation has allowed this growth through incentives like tax breaks and discounts on desicarated and abandon land. Breweries like Stone Brewing received 38 million in grants and tax breaks along with a lower sale price of an abandoned warehouse

4 Virginia Satellite Breweries
Along with Stone Brewing Company which is located in Richmond Virginia , we also acquire samples from Ballast Point based in Daleville, VA.

5 Objective Elemental composition comparison between beer made from original California breweries and Virginia satellite breweries Satellite breweries are held to the same quality control standards as the original brewery, we decide to dedicate our research to comparing the elemental composition to see if the concentrations are similar. We are interested is the similarities and differences there might be between Virginia and California base brews.

6 Elements Magnesium Calcium Manganese Zinc Iron Sodium
While there are many elements to choose from. The 6 elements we are studying and interested in include Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, and sodium.All are essential to physiological and biochemical processes. I will go into more detail about each

7 Magnesium Calcium Amylase, Proteolytic enzyme Hardness of water
Lowers pH Prevents beerstones Hardness of water 30 ppm < sour/bitter flavor Yeast Metabolism Laxative effect Manganese helps promote proper enzyme action by activating and inhibiting different enzymes. Import for mash enzymes. It helps protein solubilization Yeast

8 Iron Lowers pH Helps metabolic processes Enzyme activity in yeast
Production of hazy wort and reduced yeast activity Oxidation - decreased shelf life At high amounts can cause hazy wort by slowing saccharification and reduce yeast activity, added a metallic taste can decrease shelf live

9 Sodium Manganese Proper enzyme action During Mashing
Protein solubility Greater amount - more salty Sour taste Manganese helps promote proper enzyme action by activating and inhibiting different enzymes. Import for mash enzymes. It helps protein solubilization Yeast

10 Zinc Protein synthesis Enzyme Activity
Yeast growth but toxic if Zn >1 ppm Flocculation Stabilizes foam High amount can add a Metallic or soapy taste

11 Background Elemental Contributors Hops Barley Water
Even to begin investigating elemental composition, we will need to discuss the main contributors to elemental variety. Those being Hops, Barley, and water.

12 Hops and Barley Hops Barley Preservation Bitterness Flavoring
Carbohydrate source Different varieties

13 Water Trace elements Hard or Soft Water Water treatment
Calcium and Magnesium content Water treatment Ion Exchange Dechlorination

14 Furthermore, we would need to know about the brewing process and where each of the main contributors are introduce. Using milled grain , it is then mashed where water is introduce. After sparging, the actual brewing and boiling happens which is where hops is introduce. It is rapidly cooled and fermented,conditioned, filters, package, and drunk.

15 Beer

16 Experimental Overview
Standard Inorganic Ventures' ICP Calibration Standard 8 100 µg/mL Stock solution Blank 5% Ethanol Calibration Curve 1 ppm 2 ppm 4 ppm 5 ppm 7 ppm 10 ppm 15 ppm 25 ppm

17 Sample Preparation Three bottles from California and Virginia Degassed
Opened 24 hours in advance 25 ml of beer in a conical tube Shaker for 20 minutes Dilutions 10 fold Dilution California Virginia

18 Instrumentation Agilent | 4200 MP-AES
Micro Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy The instrument that was used to quantify the concentrations is called high sensitivity, detection limits down to sub ppb levels The core MP-AES instrument “runs on air,” and nitrogen instead of combustible gases.

19 MP-AES Schematic diagram

20 Data Tangerine Express Virginia consistently lower than California
Calcium California is Blue Virginia is Red Y-axis is Concentration Tangerine Express Virginia consistently lower than California

21 Stone Brewing Tangerine Express IPA
Magnesium California Virginia *Manganese Zinc below the Limit of Detection Sodium Calcium Iron

22 Stone IPA California Virginia *Manganese
Magnesium California Virginia *Manganese Zinc below the Limit of Detection Sodium Calcium Iron

23 Ballast Point Sculpin IPA
Sodium California Virginia *Manganese Zinc below the Limit of Detection Magnesium Calcium Iron

24 Conclusion Differences Similar Detection limit
Calcium - Magnesium - Sodium Similar Iron Detection limit Zinc and Manganese

25 Acknowledgement Dr. Samrat Thapa, Research Advisor
The Rosel H. and Elliot S. Schewel Research Fund Lynchburg College Chemistry Department Dr. Gannicott, MP-AES Guru I would like to take a moment and thanks my research advisor, The Schewel Research Fund Lynchburg College Chemistry Department Faculty and students with a huge thank you to Dr. Gannicott for letting us use the MP-AES

26 Stone Brewing Tangerine Express IPA
Calcium Iron California Virginia 69.42 ppm ± 0.68 58.42 ppm ± 0.37 California Virginia 1.62 ppm ± 0.02 1.73 ppm ± 0.02 Magnesium Sodium California Virginia ppm ± 4.75 ppm ± 6.00 California Virginia 65.96 ppm ± 3.02 78.99 ppm ± 3.90 *Based on Mean Values

27 Stone IPA Results Calcium Iron Magnesium Sodium California Virginia
64.03 ppm ± 0.34 14.41ppm ±0.19 California Virginia 1.54 ppm ±0.03 1.47 ppm ±0.03 Magnesium Sodium California Virginia ppm ±3.09 ppm ±2.05 California Virginia 84.30 ppm ±5.17 46.51 ppm ±0.78 *Based on Mean Values

28 Ballast Point Sculpin IPA
Calcium Iron California Virginia 53.24 ppm±0.30 70.77 ppm±1.02 California Virginia 1.19 ppm±0.02 1.25ppm±0.03 Magnesium Sodium California Virginia 96.99 ppm±1.98 ppm ± California Virginia 92.44 ppm±1.26 ppm±1.39 *Based on Mean Values

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