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Exercise 4 – Preparing the RHC and SubRHC base microplanning maps

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1 Exercise 4 – Preparing the RHC and SubRHC base microplanning maps
Rocco Panciera - UNICEF

2 Summary Map Type 1: Base microplanning maps
Purpose: to support the microplanning process at RHC and SRHC level Audience: RHC supervisor and SRHC midwives Medium: hardcopy Content Geospatial data: Location of health facilities with names location of EPI communities Transportation networks Landscape features/geographic barriers (rivers and water bodies) Boundaries of SubRHC and RHC reporting areas Attributes: Distances between EPI communities and health facilities

3 Summary What we have done so far
The attribute (statistics and information) data have been prepared for linking with the geographic objects (Exercise 2) All geospatial data have been input in the GIS software (Exercise 3) All attributes have been prepared and attached to the relevant geographic objects (Exercise 3) We are ready to create some thematic maps!

4 Summary What we have done so far
The attribute (statistics and information) data have been prepared for linking with the geographic objects (Exercise 2) All geospatial data have been input in the GIS software (Exercise 3) All attributes have been prepared and attached to the relevant geographic objects (Exercise 3) The input data for this exercise are on the USB in folder TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_4 \Data folder We are ready to create some thematic maps! Copy the folder on your computer

5 Summary Where we are in the process of map production and use
You are here

6 Exercise 4 – Part I Fix the symbology of different layers

7 Exercise 4 - Preparation
Open the project created during exercise 3 Open QGIS click on the open icon Browse to the folder TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_4 \Data Select the QGIS project file named «  KokeKoKwha_base_micro_ qgs » click Open

8 Exercise 4 - Preparation
Creating the thematic map – Mode of representation We have many pieces of information to appear on the map ?? Need to find away to represent all information in a useful and visually appealing way on top of each other

9 Exercise 4 - Preparation
Lets start by clearing the map canvas Clear the map canvas by unselecting the visibility for all layers

10 Set Symbology of SRHC area boundaries
Right click on the layer “Kokekokwha_SRHC_reporting” Select “Properties” In the Window that appears Select the “Symbology” tag Select “Single symbol” style type click “simple fill” Click the arrow on the right side of the “Fill Color” box Select “Transparent Fill” Set a number for “stroke width” (suggested 0.5) Click “Ok” 2 3 1 4 5 6

11 Set Symbology of SRHC Area Boundaries
The boundaries of the SRHCs in Koke Ko Kwha are now visible in the QGIS canvas as 5 polygons Save the project!

12 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
Right click on the health facility location layer “SRHC_ML_KokekokhwaRHC_060318” Select “Properties” In the Window that appears Select the “Symbology” tag Select “categorized” Select column “HF_TY_EN”  Health facility type (RHC or SRHC) Click “Classify” In the classify window, the two classes will appear (Rural Health Centre and Sub Rural Health Centre) We are going to set different symbols for the two types of health facility 2 3 1 5 4

13 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
Set different symbols for Rural and Sub Rural Health centres Double click the symbol next to “Rural health center” In the sub-window that appears Click on “Simple marker” In the symbol library window select the symbol “topo hospital” Type a value for the symbol size Click “Ok” Repeat points 1-9 to select a different symbol for class “Sub Rural Health centers” 1 3 2 4

14 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
Set different symbols for Rural and Sub Rural Health centres Back to the Symbology window, double click the symbol next to “Sub Rural health center” In the sub-window that appears Click on “Simple marker” Select “SVG marker” In SVG Groups window, scroll down to folder “health” Select the desired symbol Click the arrow to the right of “color” and select color Type a value for the symbol size Click “Ok” at the bottom of the windo 1 2 6 5 4 3

15 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
Set different symbols for Rural and Sub Rural Health centres Once Back in the main window, you will see the different symbols you selected for each health facility type Click OK

16 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
The locations of the SHRC health facilities in the Koke Ko Kwha RHC are now visible in the QGIS canvas, overlapped with the boundaries of the SubRHC’s Rural health Centre (Main) Remember to Save the project!

17 Set Symbology of EPI communities layer
Right click on the EPI communitie location layer “EPI_COM_ML_KokeKoKhwaRHC_060318” Select “Properties” In the Window that appears Select the “Symbology” tag Select “Single symbol” Click on “simple marker” Select a desired symbol Select a color and a symbol size 2 3 1 5 4

18 Set Symbology of Health Facility Layer
The locations of the EPI communities in the Koke Ko Kwha RHC are now visible in the QGIS canvas, overlapped with the boundaries of the SubRHC’s an the health facilities Our Maps are slowly shaping up! Remember to Save the project!

19 Set Symbology of Road Network
In order to style the road networks, we will apply a pre-set style type to the road network layer  Saves a lot of time! Right click on the OSM_roads_ layer Select “Properties” In the Window that appears Select Style and “Load style” In the appearing window, Navigate to folder TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\E XERCISE_4 Select the file “OSM_road_symbology.qml” Click “Open” Back in the Style window, Click “Ok”

20 Set Symbology of Road Network
The road network will appear in the QGIS canvas Notice how different rod types are displayed with different symbology, which represent the road category Remember to Save the project!

21 Set Symbology of Railway Network
Right click on the OSM_railways_010318 In the symbology window Select “line” In the styles window, select the “topo railway” symbol type Select a color and a width for the line Click “Ok” 1 2 4 3 5

22 Set Symbology of Railway Network
The railway network will appear in the QGIS canvas We have now completed the symbology for the transportation network Remember to Save the project!

23 Set Symbology of River Network and Water Bodies
Right click on the OSM_rivers_ layer In the window that appears Select “Single Symbol” Click on Line In the styles window, select a desired style Select a desired color and width Click “Ok” Now try to apply your learning so far to select a symbology for the water bodies shapefile  “OSM_waterbodies_280218”

24 Set Symbology of River Network & Water Bodies
The River network and water bodies boundaries are now displayed in the QGIS canvas Our maps are looking good! Remember to Save the project!

25 Exercise 4 – Part II Add labels to the map

26 Set Labels of EPI communities Layer
Labels can be used to visualize the attributes that are attached to the geographic object (distance to health facility) 2 Right-click the EP site layer and select “properties” Select the tag “Labels” In the top bar select “Show labels for this layer” Select the “Text” sub-menu choose the desired font size, style and color Select the “Placement” menu Choose “cartographic” Type value 3 for distance 1 3 4 "VI_NA_MM1" || '\n' || 'T:' || "P_EST_POP_T" || '\n' || 'U1:' || P_POP_LE1 || '\n' || 'PW:' || "P_PW" || '\n' || D_distance_km || 'km' Continue

27 Set Labels of EPI communities Layer
Click the Expression button to open the expression dialogue window The expression dialogue window will appear In the blank space of the new window, type the following expression "EPI_SC_C" || '\n' || "EPI_C_NM" || '\n' || "D_distance_mi" || ' mi‘ This will result in a label with content: 9. If the preview looks good Click “Ok” twice Click to add operators || & '\n’ to expression Double click field name to add to expression EPI community unique ID EPI community name Distance to SRHC health facility in miles "VI_NA_MM1" || '\n' || 'T:' || "P_EST_POP_T" || '\n' || 'U1:' || P_POP_LE1 || '\n' || 'PW:' || "P_PW" || '\n' || D_distance_km || 'km' 8 Check the label preview

28 Set Labels of EPI communities Layer
All EPI communities are now labelled according to their name, target population and distances to the respected SRHC health facility Remember to save the project!

29 Set Labels of Health Facility Layer
In order to label the SRCH and RHC health facilities by their name Right-click the health facility layer and select “properties” Select the tag “Labels” In the top bar select “Show labels for this layer” In the “label with” bar select field “HF_N_MM Select the “Text” sub-menu choose the desired font size, style and color Select the “Placement” menu Choose “around point” Type value 3 for distance 3 4 2 5 6 "VI_NA_MM1" || '\n' || 'T:' || "P_EST_POP_T" || '\n' || 'U1:' || P_POP_LE1 || '\n' || 'PW:' || "P_PW" || '\n' || D_distance_km || 'km' Remember to Save the project!

30 Set Labels of Health Facility Layer
SRCH and RHC health facilities sites are now labelled according to their name Remember to save the project!

31 Set Labels of Health Facility Layer
SRCH and RHC health facilities sites are now labelled according to their name in Myanmar language Remember to save the project!

32 Conclusions The geospatial layers and connected attributes required to produce the base microplanning maps have now been styled symbolized and labeled All the files are saved in the project file “KokeKoKwha_base_micro_ qgs” and can be recalled at any time for viewing in the QGIS software Printable versions of these maps can be produced using the Layout composer as explained in session 14

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