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Correcting Attendance Summary Reports (ASR) Electronically

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1 Correcting Attendance Summary Reports (ASR) Electronically
Teacher Instructions Correcting Attendance Summary Reports (ASR) Electronically

2 SharePoint and where to find the ASRs
Go to the schools SharePoint, click on the Attendance folder, and then click on the current year ASR folder and open the appropriate weekly ASR to be reviewed. Contact the office if you do not have access to this folder or to SharePoint. SharePoint Access Site:

3 Quick Search You can quickly search for your ASRs by clicking on the magnifying glass when hovering over the bottom of the document and typing in last name, first name. Smith, James

4 Reviewing ASRs Immediately notify the office staff of any student who has been attending class but whose name is not on the ASR.

5 Reviewing ASRs Legend of Symbols:
E = First date student was physically present R = Student Re-enrolled NE= Student Not Enrolled W= The last date the student physically attended

6 Reviewing ASRs An “E” will automatically appear on the reports for each student when he/she first enrolls in the course/school. If the “E” does not appear, the student’s name and date he/she was first physically present to the Attendance Secretary or print the ASR and write in the “E” on the day the student was first physically present and give the corrected ASR to the Attendance Secretary. (See Example 1) N/E E Example 1

7 Reviewing ASRs A “W” will automatically appear on the reports for each student when he/she withdrawals from the course/school. If the “W” does not appear, the student’s name and the date he/she was last physically present to the Attendance Secretary or print the ASR and write in the “W” on the last day the student was physically present and give the corrected ASR to the Attendance Secretary. (See Example 2) W Example 2

8 Reviewing ASRs If the student’s attendance is incorrect - the student’s name along with the date and needed correction to the Attendance Secretary or print the ASR and note the correction on the ASR and give it to the Attendance Secretary. (See Example 3) Example 3 Student was absent not Tardy AUK

9 Sign the ASR Verification Log
Teachers no longer have to sign and date each individual ASR. Once you have reviewed your weekly ASRs and turned in all corrections to then office staff, you must then sign the Verification Log by Friday each week for the entire school year. The Verification Log will be located in the schools office.

10 Instructions: Printable Instructions on WCSD Website:
Departments> Student Accounting> Attendance> Attendance Report> Attendance Summary Report (ASR) Got Questions? Contact your school sites Attendance Secretary in charge of ASRs. Thank You!

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