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Motion Map Method Physics Seo.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Map Method Physics Seo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Map Method Physics Seo

2 Making a Motion Map Representational tool for motion
Camera is stationary Object moves across the frame Frames have a specific time interval For most cameras it is 1/30 second For most motion maps it will be 1 second) Each time interval the car moves to the right a certain displacement

3 Making a Motion Map Stacking the frames on top of each other
Showing an object’s position at several equally spaced instances of time = motion map.

4 Motion Diagrams with Velocity Vectors
The velocity vector, as we’ve defined it, points in the same direction as the displacement Δx The length of v is directly proportional to the length of Δx Remember v= Δx / Δt and Δt is constant Vectors are clearly labeled in motion map. V0 Hare V0 Tortoise

5 Graphing with Motion Maps
Physics Seo

6 Position vs. Time The x-axis is always “time”
The y-axis is always “position” The slope of the line= velocity Slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) x1-x0/t1-t0 Δx/Δt

7 Given below is a diagram of a ball rolling along a table each 0
Given below is a diagram of a ball rolling along a table each 0.1 seconds. assume this distance equals 0.2 m and display on a graph plotting its x-position versus time.

8 Slopes on a Position vs. Time graph
Slope is related to velocity Steep slope = higher velocity Shallow slope = less velocity

9 Different Position. Vs. Time graphs
Exponential Motion Constant Motion Constant positive velocity (zero acceleration) Increasing positive velocity (positive acceleration) Changing slope means changing velocity!!!!!!

10 X t B A C A … Starts at home (origin) and goes forward slowly
B … Not moving (position remains constant as time progresses) C … Turns around and goes in the other direction quickly, passing up home

11 Graphing w/ Acceleration
x Graphing w/ Acceleration t A B C D Increasing Decreasing A … Start from rest south of home; increase speed gradually B … Pass home; gradually slow to a stop (still moving north) C … Turn around; gradually speed back up again heading south D … Continue heading south; gradually slow to a stop near the starting point

12 Velocity vs. Time X-axis is the “time” Y-axis is the “velocity”
Slope of the line = the acceleration

13 Horizontal lines = constant velocity Sloped line = changing velocity
Velocity vs. Time Horizontal lines = constant velocity Sloped line = changing velocity Steeper = greater change in velocity per second Negative slope = deceleration

14 Acceleration vs. Time Time is on the x-axis
Acceleration is on the y-axis Shows how acceleration changes over a period of time. Often a horizontal line.

15 All 3 Graphs t x v t a t

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