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Activities of the UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimization Surveys

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1 Activities of the UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimization Surveys
WORKING GROUP, STATISTICS ON CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE LUXEMBOURG, 1-2 MARCH 2007 Activities of the UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimization Surveys Progress report by Paolo Valente UNECE Statistical Division

2 UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimisation Surveys
Objectives: To collect from countries information on victimization surveys conducted and planned To analyse and discuss methods used to conduct victimization surveys in different countries To consider developing methodological guidelines for the development of national victimisation surveys

3 UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimisation Surveys
Expected outputs: Data inventory of victim surveys conducted/planned  Prepared in and shared with Eurostat-HEUNI Analysis of methodologies adopted by countries  Discussion at UNECE-UNODC meeting in Vienna Jan.’06 Manual on victimisation surveys  Work in progress - Expected to be completed in 2008

4 Membership of the Task Force:

5 Work conducted until January 2006
First half of 2005: Collection of information on victimization surveys conducted or planned by ECE member countries, based on a specific questionnaire Second half of 2005: Processing of questionnaire data, creation of first draft inventory (about 80 surveys from 30 countries) and preliminary analysis of results 25-27 Jan. 2006: UNECE-UNODC meeting in Vienna Preliminary results presented and discussed Agreement on preparation of manual and common module Coordination with EU Task Force

6 Work conducted after January 2006:
Mar.-Jul. 2006: Development by the TF of first draft outline for the manual Sep. 2006: Draft outline sent to participants in the Jan Vienna meeting for comments and offers of contribution Oct. 2006: Draft outline circulated for comments at EU Task Force meeting Nov Mar. 2007: Preparation of first draft of manual by TF

7 Draft outline - Main sections:
I. Purpose of the manual II. Starting points III. Methodological issues IV. Comparability of data across countries ANNEX: Module to be included in national surveys to improve international comparability  TF will follow work conducted by Eurostat-HEUNI on common module. No separate work on module conducted, to avoid duplication Detailed outline available on CIRCA website (docs. for this WG meeting)

8 Purpose of the Manual: To provide basic information for developing national victimization surveys. To identify key issues to assist in decision making about survey approach, methodology, analysis and presentation of results. To improve comparability of victim survey data across countries.

9 Content of Manual – Selected topics:
Ch. A - Goals/objectives/purposes of survey (Aus): The need to identify goals as a first step in developing survey methodology Questions to be answered developing survey goals: What questions/issues should the survey address? What kinds of analyses are anticipated? What level of precision is desired? What resources are available for the survey? Examples of victimization survey objectives: Prevalence estimates; numbers of crimes; crime rates; etc. Victim/offender characteristics; attitudes; perceptions; etc.

10 Content of Manual – Selected topics:
Ch. C – Coverage and frames (UK): Examples of target populations: Population based survey (ex.: All adults age 18 or older) Business/organization based survey (ex.: All businesses) Determining the target pop. - Factors to consider: Nature of problem being addressed Availability of resources Attributes and accessibility of pop. (ex.: fixed/cell. phones) Ch. D – Sampling frames (UK)  Contributions by Italy, Canada, HEUNI, EUMC

11 Content of Manual – Selected topics:
Ch. E – Sample design (USA): Examples of sample designs (pros and cons) Sampling theory Sample size Addressing sampling error

12 Content of Manual – Selected topics:
Ch. F – The respondents (ECE/ODC, Italy, USA): Procedure for respondent’s identification: in person/household surveys in business surveys Minimizing non-response Addressing survey error associated with respondents Use of proxy respondents Ch. G - Frequency of enumeration (Australia): Determining the frequency of enumeration The relationship between enumeration frequency, survey goals and available resources.

13 Content of Manual – Selected topics:
Ch. H – Content: Crimes/offences and other information to be collected (UNODC): Determining what crimes should be measured Conceptual element: scope and concepts for each crime, rather than definitions. Other information to be collected: Victims perceptions and attitudes; feelings of safety; fear of crime; safety measures; Relationship with the police… Can information be obtained from other sources?

14 Content of Manual – Other topics:
I. Data collection and capture operations (USA) J. Reference period (UK) K. Questionnaire design (Italy) L. Interviewing (Italy) M. Data processing (UK) N. Data analysis; Estimation and Presentation (Aus.) O. Analysis and interpretation of data quality (Canada) P. Other considerations (Languages; cultural issues/differences) (Canada/Australia) Q. Ethical considerations (USA) R. Data dissemination and documentation (Australia)

15 Next steps for work on the manual:
April 2007: Finalisation of first draft May-June 2007: Review of first draft by TF July-Oct/Nov 2007: Preparation of second draft End 2007/early 2008: Review of second draft at Joint UNECE-UNODC meeting By end of 2008: Finalization and publication

16 Coordination with work of EU Task Force:
Inventory/database of crime surveys: Latest version of database already shared with Eurostat-HEUNI for further development Manual/module: EU programme could benefit from results of work on the UNECE-UNODC manual Results of Eurostat-HEUNI work on module could be presented in UNECE-UNODC manual

17 Activities of the UNECE Task Force on Measurement of Violence Against Women:
Similar objectives as TF on victim surveys, but focus on VAW: Analysis of methodology used by countries Define common concepts, identify minimum set of questions Inventory of VAW surveys created, using data from inventory of victim. surveys + additional collection on VAW surveys Analysis of VAW surveys - Results presented at UNECE meeting on gender statistics in Sep (report available) Need to increase collaboration between research community and NSO

18 Activities of the UNECE Task Force on Measurement of Violence Against Women:
Official statistics need to set standards in this area UN General Assembly resolution 61/143 (19 Dec. 2006) on “Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women”: Requests the Statistical Commission to develop and propose a set of possible indicators on Violence Against Women Requests the Secretary-General to establish a coordinated database, containing data provided by States, in particular national statistical offices, on the extent, nature and consequences of all forms of violence against women, and on the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes

19 Conclusions: Continue good cooperation between UNECE-UNODC and EU programmes Cooperation with new EU TF on victimisation Optimise resources Avoid duplication

20 Thank you!

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