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– Sign on to a computer and get your folder.

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Presentation on theme: "– Sign on to a computer and get your folder."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.29.18 – Sign on to a computer and get your folder.
Take out your Graphic Organizer from Friday. Once your computer has fully loaded: Go the BHS webpage to log onto your . Click on the waffle to access Word Online. Open a new document and use the following format. Double Space Times New Roman 12 point font From here, you can begin typing the Rough Draft of your essay. 2 November 2018 Writing Prompt: Write your essay analyzing how both passages address a common theme. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

2 Introduction paragraph
Simon Sinek has stated, “There is no decision that we can make that doesn’t come with some sort of balance or sacrifice.” 1. Hook 2. Bridge (be sure to introduce your literary texts and authors here) 3. Thesis (Thematic Statement) 1 This idea of making decisions that turn into sacrifices can be seen in the short stories, “The Gift of the Magi,” by O. Henry, and “The Necklace,” by Guy de Maupassant. Both stories deal with young, poor couples who face certain trials, and are surprised by an unexpected, ironic twists in the end; however, both protagonists, Della and Madame Loisel, are motivated to sacrifice for different reasons. 2 It is this theme topic of sacrifice that can be seen as both characters learn that their motivation and decision for sacrificing their most cherished objects reciprocates what they receive in the end. 3

3 Body Paragraphs To illustrate, Della decides to sacrifice her most prized possession to buy her husband, Jim, a Christmas gift after failing to save enough funds throughout the year. To illustrate, Della decides to sacrifice her most prized possession to buy her husband, Jim, a Christmas gift after failing to save enough funds throughout the year. This can be seen when O. Henry states: “Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one’s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied” (1). This shows us that Della has continually sacrificed her self-image by embarrassing herself in front of others by being a penny-pincher. She would barter with others to carefully save whatever money she could. From this we can infer that she has probably deprived herself of various other expenditures to do so, all to save a measly $1.87. Because of this, Della goes through the process of deciding to sacrifice her hair so she could have a gift worth her husband’s admiration. For Della, the material worth of her gift acts as a physical extension of her love. She sacrifices willingly and happily and in the end her husband does the same thing: “’Dell,’ said he, “let’s put our Christmas presents away and keem ‘em a while. They’re too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs’” (Henry 44). Both herself and her husband are content with their decisions to sacrifice their most prized possessions for the other because they find the value in their actions for one another and are motivated by love. In the end, readers are shown that when our sacrificial actions are motivated done to help those we love, they are not done in vain. TRE2A2T T – Topic Sentence Main Idea that organizes an entire paragraph R – Reason If your topic sentence requires further explanation, add 1-2 sentences explaining your topic sentence here. E – Evidence Introduce Your Evidence: Make sure your quote is integrated smoothly by identifying the source and summarizing to provide context. Insert Your Evidence: Quote from text with a parenthetical citation. A – Analysis Unpack Your Evidence: Explain what the quote means and why it’s important to your essay. Should be sentences long. Explain Your Evidence: Explain to your reader why this evidence proves the point you are trying to make. Should be 1-3 sentences long. Repeat E & A T – Transition Conclude your main idea for this paragraph and connect it to your next point. This can be seen when O. Henry states: “Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one’s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied” (1). This shows us that Della has continually sacrificed her self-image by embarrassing herself in front of others by being a penny-pincher. She would barter with others to carefully save whatever money she could. From this we can infer that she has probably deprived herself of various other expenditures to do so, all to save a measly $1.87. Because of this, Della goes through the process of deciding to sacrifice her hair so she could have a gift worth her husband’s admiration. For Della, the material worth of her gift acts as a physical extension of her love. She sacrifices willingly and happily and in the end her husband does the same thing: “’Dell,’ said he, “let’s put our Christmas presents away and keem ‘em a while. They’re too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs’” (Henry 44). Both herself and her husband are content with their decisions to sacrifice their most prized possessions for the other because they find the value in their actions for one another and are motivated by love. In the end, readers are shown that when our sacrificial actions are motivated done to help those we love, they are not done in vain.

4 Possible Transitional Expressional
Body Paragraphs TRE2A2T Possible Transitional Expressional T – Topic Sentence Main Idea that organizes an entire paragraph R – Reason If your topic sentence requires further explanation, add 1-2 sentences explaining your topic sentence here. E – Evidence Introduce Your Evidence: Make sure your quote is integrated smoothly by identifying the source and summarizing to provide context. Insert Your Evidence: Quote from text with a parenthetical citation. A – Analysis Unpack Your Evidence: Explain what the quote means and why it’s important to your essay. Should be sentences long. Explain Your Evidence: Explain to your reader why this evidence proves the point you are trying to make. Should be 1-3 sentences long. Repeat E & A T – Transition Conclude your main idea for this paragraph and connect it to your next point. Ways to Transition Between Body Paragraphs/Add a Point or Introduce a Comparison: Moving From General to Specific: When You Want to Show You Are Concluding: As an example Accordingly For example All in all One of the most important reasons why… is For instance All together In particular As a result Another point is Specifically Consequently In other words Such as Finally Another example of this is To illustrate Hence However A second point Emphasizing a Point: In the end By comparison Above all Lastly Furthermore In brief Overall In addition In fact Therefore In the same way Thus Likewise More importantly To sum up Similarly In short Therefore, in summary From this we see ***If you do not finish your introduction or 1st body paragraph, you must finish them for homework.***

5 10.30.18 – Sign on to a computer and get your folder.
Take out your Graphic Organizer. Once your computer has fully loaded: Go the BHS webpage to log onto your . Click on the waffle to access Word Online. Open your document from yesterday. From here, you can continue typing the Rough Draft of your essay. You should have your introduction and first body paragraph done. 2 November 2018 Writing Prompt: Write your essay analyzing how both passages address a common theme. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

6 Possible Transitional Expressional
Body Paragraphs TRE2A2T Possible Transitional Expressional T – Topic Sentence Main Idea that organizes an entire paragraph R – Reason If your topic sentence requires further explanation, add 1-2 sentences explaining your topic sentence here. E – Evidence Introduce Your Evidence: Make sure your quote is integrated smoothly by identifying the source and summarizing to provide context. Insert Your Evidence: Quote from text with a parenthetical citation. A – Analysis Unpack Your Evidence: Explain what the quote means and why it’s important to your essay. Should be sentences long. Explain Your Evidence: Explain to your reader why this evidence proves the point you are trying to make. Should be 1-3 sentences long. Repeat E & A T – Transition Conclude your main idea for this paragraph and connect it to your next point. Ways to Transition Between Body Paragraphs/Add a Point or Introduce a Comparison: Moving From General to Specific: When You Want to Show You Are Concluding: As an example Accordingly One of the most important reasons why… is For example All in all Another point is For instance All together In particular In other words As a result Specifically Another example of this is Consequently Such as However Finally To illustrate A second point Hence By comparison Emphasizing a Point: Furthermore In the end Above all In addition Lastly In brief In the same way Overall In fact Likewise Therefore Similarly Thus More importantly To sum up In short Therefore, in summary From this we see Once you FINISH your essay , please TYPE “ROUGH DRAFT Pedestrian Essay” in the document line and be sure to SHARE your essay with me. If you have NOT finished your essay , you must either: finish it tonight and print it our yourself by the beginning of class.

7 10.31.18 – Sign on to a Laptop and get your folder.
Take out your Graphic Organizer. Once your computer has fully loaded: Go the BHS webpage to log onto your . Click on the waffle to access Word Online. Open your document from yesterday. From here, you can continue typing the Rough Draft of your essay. You should have everything but your conclusion done. 2 November 2018 Writing Prompt: Write your essay analyzing how both passages address a common theme. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

8 Kicker or lingering thought
Conclusion Restate thesis Answer the “So what?” Kicker or lingering thought The two characters, Della and Madame Loisel, illustrate to readers that the motivation behind the sacrifice is as important as the sacrifice itself. Use fresh words or else you will sound like a robot and irritate your reader (aka me). One successful structure for this: When one considers (body #1 topic) and (body #2 topic), it's clear that... The idea of sacrificing for another with no intention of gaining something in return is a foreign concept in this day and age. However, Henry and Maupassant show us two different realistic worlds, in which both characters had very little, and different outcomes based on their perspectives and experiences. Why does any of this matter, anyway? Leave behind the novel/topic/issue and explain the bigger reason as to why the reader should care. This should leave the reader nodding in agreement and feeling glad he/she read your essay. Stumped? Use a famous quote that connects to the idea in the previous sentence. Must cite it. Do NOT use a quote if you used one as your hook. Sacrificing for others, with no expectations of reward, is the best gift we can give ourselves. Embracing our loved ones and celebrating them, instead of our selfishness, is quite possibly the best gift of all.

9 5 4 3 1 2 Station 1 Word Choice & Transitional Expressions Station 2
– 1. If you submitted your rough draft yesterday, Pick up your essay by the door. 2. Take out your pencil & Please be prepared to begin when the bell rings. - If your essay was not finished yesterday, please get you folder. Color of Cup Meaning We cannot proceed any further. We have a question, but will continue working until you can get to us. Ask three before me. We are working on the task. We are finished with the task. Station 1 Word Choice & Transitional Expressions Station 2 Introduction & Citing Evidence Station 3 Stop Light Highlighting Station 4 COPS Editing & MLA Format Station 5 Peer Edit Using the TNReady Rubric 5 4 3 Those who do not have their essays. 1 2

10 11.2.18 – Please Log onto a computer & get your folder.
Once your computer has fully loaded: Go the BHS webpage to log onto your . Click on the waffle to access and open Word Online. Open your “Rough Draft Pedestrian Essay.” Using your notes from your stations yesterday, make the necessary corrections to make your paper the best it can be. When you are done adding your corrections, please RE-SHARE your document Work on finishing any and every assignment. 2 November 2018 Writing Prompt: Write your essay analyzing how both passages address a common theme. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

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