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Rubric Look a the bold words in the “4” section

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Presentation on theme: "Rubric Look a the bold words in the “4” section"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rubric Look a the bold words in the “4” section
This is what you will be graded on! Questions?

2 Introduction Highlight the author’s name
Highlight the name of the play, did you underline it? Did you include a basic summary? Label this with BS Highlight your thesis statement.

3 Topic Sentence • Place a T next to your topic sentence
• Highlight the part of your sentence that tells me what you are trying to PROVE in this paragraph. This should connect back to your thesis.

• Did you introduce your quote well? Did you really explain what was happening in the book during the section that your quote was taken from? Did you tell me WHO was speaking in your quote? • Place an “I” next to your Introduction of your quote

5 Quote • Place a “Q” next to your quote
• Did you use proper MLA citations (act.scene. line). Highlight the citation. Ifyou are missing your citation, mark it.

6 Analysis • Highlight the first word or two of your first sentence after your quote, did you use a sentence starter like, this proves, this shows, one can see from this? • Did you discuss HOW your EVIDENCE FROM ABOVE is proving your thesis? • Underline the sentence that you think proves your topic sentence/thesis the best. • Place an “A” next to your analysis section NOW REPEAT!!

7 Conclusion Highlight the restatement of your thesis
Underline the connection to the bigger picture (overall message for society/the real world)

8 Self-Editing Read over your essay and look for 2nd or 1st person (I, me, my, you, your, we, our), delete these and replace with another word. Look for past tense (said, had, looked, showed etc), make sure your entire essay is in present tense. Now, we are looking at our word choice. We need to get rid of banned words. Please mark and replace any of the following: contractions (don’t, can’t etc.), a lot, got, get, bad, good, stuff, thing (explain what the “thing” is), it (tell me what “it” is), very, happy, sad, large, so, any clichés. Remember to type your paragraph in correct MLA format fully revised for Thursday AND one copy to

9 PEER EDITING STEPS: 1.) Read your paper to your partner 2.) Switch 3.) Each person now completes the peer editing page Ms. Lago will give you AFTER you have completed steps 1-2

10 Literature Circles You will have 3 minutes with each book.
Read as much of the book as you can in 3 minutes. After I call time, take a minute to record your initial reactions about what you read. At the end, I will have you rank your top 3 choices.

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