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A Turning Point in Human History

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1 A Turning Point in Human History
Neolithic Revolution A Turning Point in Human History

2 Do Now Please take out your worksheets from yesterday and complete the remaining questions.

3 Outline I. Paleolithic Age – Old Stone Age (Est. 2 mil BC-9000 BC)
1.Hunters & Gatherers A.Nomad: Moving from place to place in search for food. B.Men hunted & fished. C.Woman gathered fruits, nuts, etc. 2.Way of Life A.Cave paintings B.Stone tools & pottery C.Domesticated dogs II. Neolithic Age – New Stone Age (9000 BC – 3000 BC) 1.Farming Neolithic Revolution A.People could remain in one place. B.Herding of animals – goats, sheep & cattle. 2.Community A.Council of Elders/Chief – made important decisions. B.Warrior class C.Kept possessions.


5 Radiation Theory vs. Parallel Evolution Theory

6 Migration of Early Man


8 Make some predictions... What are some potential pros and cons of having an agriculturally based society?


10 Early Settled Communities
Growing crops on a regular basis made possible the support of larger populations. More permanent, settled communities emerged. 9,000 BCE Earliest Agricultural Settlement at JARMO ( northern Iraq ) ---->wheat

11 Catal Huyuk 8,000 BC Largest Early Settlement at Çatal Hüyük (modern day Turkey) 6,000 inhabitants 12 cultivated crops Division of labor Engaged in trade Organized religion Small military

12 Primary vs. Secondary Sources
Primary Source: a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. Secondary Source: interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them.

13 Mini-Presentations: Instructions
Elect a speaker to present the following information (each group will have 3-5 minutes to share information with the class): Each group must summarize their assigned document and cite all the possible social, intellectual and economic changes reflected Each group must also make a determination if these changes… a) improved living conditions for man or b) made life more difficult AND c) explain why that is the case All the groups are welcomed to challenge the claims made by each group and pose questions to the presenters

14 Why farm? “Why farm? Why give up the 20-hour work week and the fun of hunting in order to toil in the sun? Why work harder, for food less nutritious and a supply more capricious? Why invite famine, plague, and pestilence and crowded living conditions?” J.R. Harlan

15 Costs vs. Benefits In groups please come to a consensus whether the costs of the agricultural revolution outweigh the benefits OR the benefits outweigh the costs

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