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Expeditionary Learning Teacher Potential Project

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1 Expeditionary Learning Teacher Potential Project
Christie Finley Tammy Summerville Cathy Vasile DOIs June 14, 2016

2 Expeditionary Learning (EL) Teacher Potential Project in Grades 6-8 Includes the Following Key Considerations Students become the leaders of their learning; teachers facilitate the learning EL Education Model anchors professional learning for teachers in its rigorous, standards based ELA curriculum. Pedagogy includes reading and writing strategies, student-engaged assessment, and continuous cycles of data-informed self improvement and reflection. Fall Break Thanksgiving Break Full Christmas Break Spring Break 75 percent of HCS teachers (~600 responses) preferred a later Spring Break Spring Break will match Madison County, but not Madison City Schools End by Memorial Day (VBC reserved through 2020) HCS will have three built in “snow days” in 2018

3 The Major Goals of EL Project Support Student Achievement
Measurably increase the achievement of students in ELA courses in 6th-8th grades Measurably increase the retention of effective novice teachers by the end of the project Increase the effectiveness of participating teachers’ implementation of specific instructional practices Students produce high quality writing portfolios Students schooled in the use of critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills

4 Eight Schools Will Participate in the EL Project During the 2016-17 School Year
Academy for Academics and Arts – grades 6-8 Hampton Cove Middle – grades 6-8 Hereford ES - grade 6 Jones Valley ES – grade 6 McNair Middle School - grades 7-8 Mt. Gap P-8 – grades 6-8 Rolling Hills ES – grade 6 Williams Middle School – grades 6-8

5 High Quality Resources Will Be Provided To The Participating Schools
School Leadership teams – 2 day Institute training (June, 2016) ELA, special education, and ELL teacher training – 3 days (July, 2016) Monthly embedded coaching in each school All curriculum materials Assessments On-line 24/7 supports


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