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Anagrams xat Tax inegag Ageing comeix Mexico flothuuy Youthful nonpesi

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Presentation on theme: "Anagrams xat Tax inegag Ageing comeix Mexico flothuuy Youthful nonpesi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anagrams xat Tax inegag Ageing comeix Mexico flothuuy Youthful nonpesi

2 What are these cartoons saying?

3 Key Question: How far can population change and migration be successfully managed?

4 How many people live in this area? (Its Canada!)

5 The same area but in Bangladesh

6 Over populated and under populated!
Why are these two areas like this? How could you manage to try to change either of them?

7 What is under and over population?
Under population – Very few people and lots of resources. Over population – Lots of people and very few resources.

8 How can population be sustainably managed?
How can you effect the population of a country? What are the issues here? Turn to p142 in Evolving Planet.

9 Your Turn You’re an expert on population management and have just received this ; Reply to the with at least 5 different policies that will help Geogham increase its population. Explain how effective these policies should be! Today You Your teacher

10 You say we pay Youthful Canada Resources Contraception People

11 You say we pay Ageing Bangladesh People Population Land

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