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Agenda diēs Mercuriī, a.d. v Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda diēs Mercuriī, a.d. v Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda diēs Mercuriī, a.d. v Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII
HW Check: worksheet 13 Do Now: conjugate habeō, habēre in the present passive Review of Present Passive Indicative (Worksheet 13) Imperfect Passive Indicative, Conj. 1-2 Ablative of Agent Pensum: Worksheet 14 Keep studying vocab. list #4 Latin MS8 Mr. Finnigan Boston Latin School

2 Imperfect Passive Indicative

3 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd

4 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnā 2nd 3rd

5 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnābar oppugnābāmur 2nd oppugnābāris oppugnābāminī 3rd oppugnābātur oppugnābantur

6 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd

7 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st tenē 2nd 3rd

8 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st tenēba tenēbā 2nd 3rd

9 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the impf. infix/marker –ba– Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st tenēbar tenēbāmur 2nd tenēbāris tenēbāminī 3rd tenēbātur tenēbantur

10 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG 2nd SG 3rd SG 1st PL 2nd PL 3rd PL

11 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar 2nd SG oppugnābāris 3rd SG oppugnābātur 1st PL oppugnābāmur 2nd PL oppugnābāminī 3rd PL oppugnābantur

12 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris 3rd SG oppugnābātur 1st PL oppugnābāmur 2nd PL oppugnābāminī 3rd PL oppugnābantur

13 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris you were being attacked 3rd SG oppugnābātur 1st PL oppugnābāmur 2nd PL oppugnābāminī 3rd PL oppugnābantur

14 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris you were being attacked 3rd SG oppugnābātur s/he/it was being attacked 1st PL oppugnābāmur 2nd PL oppugnābāminī 3rd PL oppugnābantur

15 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris you were being attacked 3rd SG oppugnābātur s/he/it was being attacked 1st PL oppugnābāmur we were being attacked 2nd PL oppugnābāminī 3rd PL oppugnābantur

16 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris you were being attacked 3rd SG oppugnābātur s/he/it was being attacked 1st PL oppugnābāmur we were being attacked 2nd PL oppugnābāminī you (pl.) were being attacked 3rd PL oppugnābantur

17 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnābar I was being attacked 2nd SG oppugnābāris you were being attacked 3rd SG oppugnābātur s/he/it was being attacked 1st PL oppugnābāmur we were being attacked 2nd PL oppugnābāminī you (pl.) were being attacked 3rd PL oppugnābantur they were being attacked

18 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG 2nd SG 3rd SG 1st PL 2nd PL 3rd PL

19 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG tenēbar 2nd SG tenēbāris 3rd SG tenēbātur 1st PL tenēbāmur 2nd PL tenēbāminī 3rd PL tenēbantur

20 Imperf. Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + was/were being + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG tenēbar I was being held 2nd SG tenēbāris you were being held 3rd SG tenēbātur s/he/it was being held 1st PL tenēbāmur we were being held 2nd PL tenēbāminī you (pl.) were being held 3rd PL tenēbantur they were being held

21 Ablative of (Personal) Agent

22 Ablative of Agent with a passive verb, the person by whom an action is performed is indicated by ā/ab + a noun in the abl. case this is only used with the passive voice the noun in the abl. is usually a person ā/ab always means “by” when used thus so, passive verb + ā/ab + abl. (person) = abl. of agent

23 Ablative of Agent E.G.: Fēminae sacrae ā virīs bonīs semper laudatae sunt. Sacred women have always been praised by good men. Inimīcus ā mīlite vulnerātus est. The enemy was wounded by the soldier.

24 Ablative of Agent N.B.: When you make a passive sentence active, the abl. of agent becomes the subject and the subject becomes the direct object. Fēminae sacrae ā virīs bonīs semper laudatae sunt. Sacred women have always been praised by good men. Virī bonī fēminās sacrās semper laudāvērunt. Good men have always praised sacred women.

25 Abl. of Agent vs. Abl. of Means
Be careful not to confuse the abl. of agent with the abl. of means Agent: ā/ab + (usually) person Means: no preposition is used, usually an object Mīlitēs nostrī ab hostibus vulnerātī erant. Our soldiers had been wounded by the enemy. Mīlitēs nostrī tēlīs vulnerātī erant. Our soldiers had been wounded by weapons.

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