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Friday, Nov. 9 Holiday and American symbols test

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1 Friday, Nov. 9 Holiday and American symbols test
Michelle Lewis 1st Grade Peek At Our Week November 5-9, 2018 WEEKLY HOMEWORK A Peek at Our Week Mon.-Thurs. Social Living: Students will continue to discover why we celebrate national holidays like Veterans Day, the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. We will discuss national symbols as well. Interview a Veteran Friday Homework Due Writing: Students will listen to the story “Love” and “Duck” to infer that when we love someone or something we serve and sacrifice from a willing heart. From Teacher’s Desk the This week students will continue to learn why we celebrate national holidays. We are working hard on our class Veterans Day performance song. Follow the link below to practice the music and words with your child. Our class will perform to “You’re a Grande Old Flag.” Mark Your Calendar Friday, Nov. 9 Holiday and American symbols test

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