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EASIBEX-MATLAB : a simple tool to start with interval contractors

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Presentation on theme: "EASIBEX-MATLAB : a simple tool to start with interval contractors"— Presentation transcript:

1 EASIBEX-MATLAB : a simple tool to start with interval contractors
19/02/2019 EASIBEX-MATLAB : a simple tool to start with interval contractors Fabrice LE BARS Nom de la conférence XXX

2 19/02/2019 Description Nom de la conférence XXX 2

3 Description Main goals Target users
19/02/2019 Description Main goals Start using interval arithmetic and contractors Quickly prototype and test new algorithms Target users Students Scientists not specialist in programming Nom de la conférence XXX 3

4 Description Base and philosophy Simple MATLAB layer of IBEX
19/02/2019 Description Base and philosophy Simple MATLAB layer of IBEX Non object-oriented naming conventions Easily draw results thanks to MATLAB or VIBes Nom de la conférence XXX 4

5 Description Limitations Other options
19/02/2019 Description Limitations To keep it simple, not all IBEX features are available No guaranties w.r.t. rounding… Simplified function names to avoid object-oriented paradigms Other options EASIBEX-CPP is available if C++ is needed : see Once you are comfortable with intervals, contractors, C++ and object-oriented programming, use directly IBEX Nom de la conférence XXX 5

6 19/02/2019 Demo Nom de la conférence XXX 6

7 19/02/2019 Demo Download and test Nom de la conférence XXX 7

8 Demo To define an EASIBEX-MATLAB interval An empty interval would be
19/02/2019 Demo To define an EASIBEX-MATLAB interval x=[-2,2] x(1,2) would be 2 An empty interval would be x=[NaN,NaN] Infinity x=[-Inf,Inf] Nom de la conférence XXX 8

9 Demo To define a box 2 intervals can be added using And 2 boxes
19/02/2019 Demo To define a box x=[[-2,2];[2,4];[-4,1]] x(2,:) would be [2,4] 2 intervals can be added using Z=i_Add([0,2],[-1,2]) And 2 boxes Z=i_Add([[0,1];[0,10];[0,10]],[[-1,0];[2,5];[-1,0]]) Nom de la conférence XXX 9

10 19/02/2019 Demo To contract 3 intervals Z=[-10,1], X=[0,2], Y=[-1,2] knowing the constraint Z=X+Y : [Z,X,Y]=i_Cadd([-10,1],[0,2],[-1,2]) To contract the vector x=[-10,10]*[0,10]*[-10,0] w.r.t. the q-relaxed intersection of the 4 vectors [-2,2]*[2,4]*[-4,1], [-1,5]*[-5,8]*[-7,2], [-1,1]*[0,2]*[1,2], [-2,2]*[2,8]*[-1,2], with q=2 : x = [[-10,10];[0,10];[-10,0]] y_j = {[[-2,2];[2,4];[-4,1]];[[-1,5];[-5,8];[-7,2]];[[-1,1];[0,2];[1,2]];[[-2,2];[2,8];[-1,2]]} x = i_C_q_in(x, 2, y_j) Nom de la conférence XXX 10

11 Demo Interval matrix imatrix Contract y=Ax x = [[1,2];[0,1]];
19/02/2019 Demo Interval matrix imatrix x = [[1,2];[0,1]]; A = i_imatrix(2, 2, [[[0,1];[0,0]];[[0,0];[0,1]]]); i_Mulimatrixbox(A, x) Contract y=Ax y = [[2,3];[1,2]]; [v, M, u] = i_Cmulimatrixbox(y, A, x) Nom de la conférence XXX 11

12 Demo C=AB Contract C=AB
19/02/2019 Demo C=AB A = i_imatrix(2, 2, [[[0,1];[0,0]];[[0,0];[0,1]]]); B = i_imatrix(2, 2, [[[1,2];[0,0]];[[0,0];[1,2]]]); C = i_imatrix(2, 2, [[[2,3];[0,0]];[[0,0];[2,3]]]); i_Mul(A, B) Contract C=AB [M, P, Q] = i_Cmul(C, A, B) Nom de la conférence XXX 12

13 19/02/2019 Questions? Nom de la conférence XXX 13

14 19/02/2019 Nom de la conférence XXX 14

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