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Explorers and Settlements

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1 Explorers and Settlements

2 Spanish Exploration

3 Christopher Columbus Was looking for a westward route to Asia
Queen Isabel and King Fernando supported his expeditions He landed in the Caribbean in 1492

4 Ponce de Leon First Spaniard to explore the mainland North America
1513 & 1521 Explored area of Florida Called La Florida by Spanish meaning Island of Flowers In search of the Fountain of Youth When attempting to establish a settlement he was attacked by Natives and killed

5 Hernando Cortez 1519 Conquered the Aztec Natives of Mexico
Exploited their wealth by stealing gold, silver and other riches Forced them into slavery

6 Francisco Pizarro 1531 Conquered the Incas of South America
Exploited their wealth Forced them into slavery

7 Hernando DeSoto First to record expedition through Georgia in 1540
In search of Gold and silver Explored much of the South Eastern US Came up through Florida with more than 600 men

8 De Soto (Cont.) Explored Savannah and Ocmulgee River Never found gold
He encountered the Mississippian Natives

9 90% of the Native population vanished
Natives had never seen: Guns, steel swords, metal armor, or horses Only weapons Natives had were made of wood and stone Many were killed in battle or just plain murdered Many were made slaves

10 Natives Vanished Continued
1 in 3 Natives died from Measles, chicken pox, small pox Because they had never been exposed to these diseases With so few Natives left, the Spanish began to import black slaves from Africa to work in the fields and mines

11 French Settlements

12 Jean Ribault Came with 150 men called Huguenots
Huguenots were French Protestants Landed on Florida’s Coast and sailed north Settled just north of present day Savannah Huguenots built the first fort on the mainland of North America named Fort Charles They were forced to abandon it because of famine and sickness

13 Spanish Settlements

14 Pedro Menendez Spain sent him because they were worried about French success He built St. Augustine First successful settlement in North America

15 St. Augustine Menendez helped build missions Church outpost
The Friars (Church Missionaries) work with the natives teaching them: Read and write Modern agricultural techniques They also traded with the natives

16 Missions St. Catherine’s Island
Spanish called Santa Catalina de Guale Georgia’s coast was called Guale and Mocama named after the natives there

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