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Modern America 1982—Present PART 3 OF 5

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1 Modern America 1982—Present PART 3 OF 5
Chapter 37— Modern America 1982—Present PART 3 OF 5

2 Global Competition In 1993, several European nations responded to globalization by forming a economic bloc known as the European Union (EU). During the 1990s, the spread of globalization and free trade extended to other nations and forced the United States to evaluate its own policies.

3 NAFTA In response to the EU, the United States, Canada, and Mexico created an economic bloc known as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993. The agreement lowered tariffs, reduced prices, increased exports, and stimulated investment in all three nations.

4 Global Trade Clinton also signed revisions to the General Agreement in Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. GATT was originally signed in 1947 after WWII in an effort to spur trade worldwide, and was replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The WTO is an international organization formed to encourage the expansion of world trade.

5 Somalia & Haiti Clinton’s foreign policy geared around intervening in various “regional conflicts” around the world. Many Americans questioned military involvement, but supported economic relief in both Somalia and Haiti. Both nations were suffering from both civil war and a lack stability prompting the United Nations and United States to become actively involved in ending conflicts.

6 Bosnia Civil War In the early 1990s, Yugoslavia (formerly controlled by communist rule) broke up into six independent nations stimulating long-standing civil hostilities between ethnicities, religion, and nationalism.

7 Bosnia Civil War In Bosnia, religious fighting broke out between Serbians, Croatians, and Muslims with the Serbians gaining control and forcibly removing Croats and Muslims. Eventually, many were violently attacked, raped, and executed in a state-sanctioned mass murder known as ethnic cleansing. Clinton persuaded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to bomb Serbian strongholds which ended the violence in 1995.

8 “Into a New Century” (p. 5)
2. What were the successes and failures of the Clinton Presidency? Clinton passed the Family Medical leave Act of 1993, anti-crime laws, and supported nations in need of assistance. He failed to institute healthcare reform (which he campaigned heavily on) , and his administration was plagued by numerous scandals.

9 “Into a New Century” (p. 5)
3. What role did the United States take on in global politics and economics following the Cold War? Economically, the United States took the lead in globalization and free trade. Politically, the United States intervened for purposes of peacekeeping and humanitarian relief.

10 Presidential Election of 2000
In 2000, the two-term presidency of Bill Clinton came to an end with the nation divided. The Democratic Party nominated the incumbent Vice President Al Gore who embraced Clinton’s economic policies, but distanced himself from the scandals. The Republican Party nominated former Texas Governor George W. Bush who promised to bring “compassionate conservatism” to the White House. In a tight race, the election was too close to call.

11 Presidential Election of 2000
The Democrats demanded a recount after the Florida race came down to 300 votes while the Republicans countered with a lawsuit to prevent the Florida recount. For more than a month, both sides claimed a potential victory. On December 12, 2001, the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore ended the recount in a 5-to-4 decision and giving the election to George W. Bush and drawing new political lines based on the geographic region.

12 Presidential Election of 2000

13 George W. Bush 43rd President 2001 – 2009 Party: Republican
Home State: Texas Vice President: Richard Cheney

14 George W. Bush Domestic Presidency was decided by the Supreme Court ruling an end to the recount in a disputed Florida election which had been too close to call. Signed a $1.3 trillion tax cut in 2001 which stimulated the economy. Signed the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002 which made schools accountable and penalized those which did not meet national standards. Signed the Patriot Act of 2002 to give law enforcement the broader powers to detain possible terrorists and improve protection. President during the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.

15 George W. Bush Foreign President during the September 11th Attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon (in Washington, D.C.), and Pennsylvania. Sent troops into Afghanistan to capture Osama Bin Laden (suspected terrorist involved in the 9/11 Attacks) and called for the defeat of Taliban who harbored terrorists. Asked Congress to declare war against Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein (March, 2003) in an effort to capture Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).

16 Bush’s Domestic Agenda
In 2001, President Bush immediately signed into law (with the aid of a Republican Congress) an act reducing taxes by $1.3 trillion and stimulating the economy. Bush also signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 which attracted bipartisan support for school accountability, improving teacher quality, and making schools more transparent for parents. Bush also supported drug prescription coverage for the elderly under Medicare.

17 “Into a New Century” (p. 6)
4. What was impact of Bush’s domestic agenda? Bush passed a tax cut, reformed education, and Medicare reform. The acts were met with controversy, and the results were mixed.

18 9/11 On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by Fundamentalist Islamic extremists linked to al Qaeda. The World Trade Center, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and over the skies of rural Pennsylvania. The attack was similar to that of the attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) and unified the nation. In the wake of the attack, President Bush called on finding those responsible for what he called the “war on terrorism.”

19 9/11

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