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Brittany L. Riley, PharmD, MS, BCPS

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1 Development of a Residency Research Series to Facilitate Residency Research
Brittany L. Riley, PharmD, MS, BCPS Clinical Assistant Professor/Director of Residency Programs Marshall University School of Pharmacy

2 Disclosure I have no conflict of interest to report

3 Objectives Describe a format for a residency research series
List advantages and disadvantages for a residency research series Outline basic steps to streamlining of longitudinal experiences

4 Background on Marshall University Affiliated Residencies
1st program started in July 2015 Program status as of July 2018 3 inpatient programs-4 positions 3 outpatient programs-6 positions 1 faculty member who has direct responsibility for the entire residency program Each site has a Residency Advisory Committee and a point person at the site Programs within an hour of the school

5 Schools Role The school contributes heavily to: Research projects
Academic experience Quality assurance/Accreditation Readiness Preceptor Development Site focuses on the clinical teaching aspects This model evolved d/t partnering with sites that key reasons for not having a residency program was –we do not do research, we do well to keep up with our sites accreditations

6 Historical Method for Research Projects
The faculty from the school served as a project advisor A clinical faculty served as the clinical advisor for the project The 2 faculty worked with the individual resident to make sure the project moved forward This worked great when there were 2-3 residents, but as the program grew this started to become complicated

7 The Good and Bad of the Old Way
Very individualized experience Helped bring clinical faculty on board Bad Did every resident really know the practice based fundamentals? Organization

8 Pilot Project for 2017-2018 Residency Year
All residents attended the Residency Research Series Still involved a clinical faculty for each project to serve as clinical advisor

9 Residency Research Series Layout
Session 1: Idea generation and creating the research question Session 2: Planning-Focus on research design Session 3: Planning part 2-focus on timelines Session 4: IRB Session 5: Data management Sessions 6 and 7: Statistical Analysis Session 8: Dissemination of information

10 Layout for each session
Could come in person or log in via webinar Sessions were recorded Each session: A didactic component “Homework” Scheduled as many as possible immediately before a teaching certificate class

11 What we Found Advantages Every resident received the same information
The residents got to do more of the groundwork Disadvantages Differing Places Keeping up with the homework

12 Statistical Analysis Idea Generation IRB Experiential component Which of the following was NOT included in the residency research series?

13 Keeping track of “homework” was difficult in the new system?
True False Keeping track of “homework” was difficult in the new system?

14 Have any sites done similar programs for research
Have any sites done similar programs for research? How did your layout differ?

15 Keeping Track of Longitudinal Projects

16 Old Method Crazy Domains. Updated Accessed 3/20/18.

17 Old Method Topic Question YL TOPIC Definition Rough Oultine Protocol
Timeline IRB Ben HCV/HIV needle exchange Jan Med rec in dementia clinic Rachel TOC Courtney Decreasing opioid x Zach HF Tyler Cardiac Arrest Jacob USP 800? Justin

18 Using Technology Google Classroom Dropbox Box Network Drives
Pharmacademic Any others? Here I am going to do a demonstration of how we do things on google classroom (~10 minutes depending on internet speed) Will also talk about why google classroom

19 Using Technology Google Classroom Specific Any Technology
Can not use .edu accounts Links to Google Drive-can use for archiving purposes Google account is not always the primary account our residents check Any Technology Make sure you do a tutorial on key components Make sure it can accomplish what you need

20 Moving Forward Continue the research series incorporating clinical faculty in these sessions Transition tasks from each session to Google Classroom

21 Education Demonstration Avoidance Two of the above Which of the following is necessary when using any technology platform?

22 What technology have you used in your programs to streamline projects and other longitudinal requirements?

23 Questions?

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