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Catalysts to War 1870-1914.

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1 Catalysts to War

2 4 Main Causes Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

3 Old vs. New Imperialism Maritime and Mercantile
European traders simply bought products brought to them by local merchants No territorial ambitions beyond protection of way stations and trading centers No longer content to purchase what local merchants provided Invested capital in “backward” countries Set up mines, plantations, docks, warehouses, factories, railroads, and banks Built offices, homes, hotels, clubs, and resorts

4 Why Imperialism? Duty of the superior Europeans to civilize the “backward” people Gov’t. support of Christian missionaries Large empire= economic gain and security Nat’l Prestige Sense of excitement German colonies in Africa=no ecnomic significance A way to get rid of excess population

5 Imperialism in Africa 1875 Europe controlled 10% of land
25 years later controlled over 90% Economic gold mine European powers constantly negotiating rights to Africa Otto von Bismarck held a conference that decided European territories in Africa Hostile African tribes sometimes found each other in same country Europeans created caste system Europeans made gains through economic penetration and diplomatic pressure

6 Imperialism in Egypt Became indebted to European nations
Suez Canal finished in 1869 Saved time and money But not for Egyptians Egyptian govt. raised taxes to pay debts 1881 rebellion Army took over govt British sent army to maintain control

7 India: 18c-early 19c

8 British East India Company Agents

9 British Opium Warehouse in Patna, India
Selling Patna Opium in China

10 The Palace of the Nawab of Moorshedabad, Bengal - 1858

11 England & India BR influence in India expanding
Began w/ the Br. E. India Co. Introduced policies that led to later nat’l movements Some of these challenged local traditions assoc. w/ caste Militarily, BR forced sepoys to accept overseas service=violated caste BR trouble w/ the Lee-Enfield rifle: soldiers had to bite the tip off the cartridge, which were supposedly dipped in animal fat

12 Sepoy Mutiny Soldiers who wouldn’t load their rifles were imprisoned
Freed-->killed BR officers and marched on Delhi restoring Mogul emperor to throne BR took control & continued reforms: education, economic, railroads, etc.

13 Execution of Sepoys: “The Devil’s Wind”

14 Queen Victoria in India

15 Queen Victoria: Receiving the Crown of India

16 A Life of Leisure!

17 Darjeeling Railroad, 1880s

18 Simla: Little England in the mountains of India

19 Victoria Station, Bombay

20 Chartered Bank of Calcutta, 1915

21 Indian National Congress (formed in 1885)
Educated Indians, predominantly Hindu, demanded increasing equality & self-gov't India became independent in 1946 (just after WWII)

22 Belgians in the Congo Belgian govt. had no interest in colonization
Leopold used his own wealth and political ambitions to gain colonies 1876- Leopold formed the International African Association Funded an expedition into the Congo Expedition led by Henry Stanley Treaties were formed

23 Belgians in the Congo Cont.
Leopold received accolades for his “humanitarian” work and diplomacy Leopold eventually got the financial help of Belgian govt to pay for his exploits Used slave labor, intimidation, torture, mutilation, and mass murder His brutal treatment was exposed Turned the Congo over to Belgium govt in 1908

24 South Africa British took over during Napoleonic Wars
Afrikaners didn’t like British influence 1910, agreed that Europeans would rule British implemented a system of apartheid Africans weren’t allowed to own land, vote, or have gov’t positions Result was oppression, racial tensions, and economic exploitation

25 Colonial Rivalries: Asia in 1914

26 The Eastern Question Britain refused to accept Russian hegemony on Balkans Sent navy to help Turks Super patriotism: jingoism Bismark offered to mediate crisis

27 Conflicts in Balkans Three Emperors’ League in 1873
Germany, Austria, Russia Ended b/c of Austro-Russia conflict in Balkans Russo-Turkish War in 1877 Bosnia and Herzegovina revolted, along with Serbia and Montenegro, against Turks Russians wanted control of Constantinople and Dardanelles Pan-slavism- uniting of all Slavic people

28 Treaty of San Stefano Treaty signed March 1878
Slavic states freed from Ottoman rule Russia gained territory and monetary indemnity Austria felt threatened of losing Balkan provinces British felt threatened by Russian control of Dardanelles Mediterranean and Suez Canal

29 Congress of Berlin Met in summer of 1878 to review of Treaty of San Stefano Bulgaria was reduced in size and deprived access to Aegean Sea A-H was given Bosnia and Herzegovina to oversee, but were formally Ottoman rule Britain got Cyprus France got Tunisia

30 Effects of Congress Russians resented Germany
Felt Germany owed them for the help they gave in 1807 in defeating Napoleon Balkan states weren’t pleased with new borders Greece wanted more Ottoman territory Serbia and Montenegro resented Austria’s occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

31 Effects cont. Russian hostility toward Germany led Bismarck to embark upon a new system of alliances which transformed European diplomacy and effectively killed remnants of Concert of Europe (Note: Congress of Berlin is NOT Berlin Conference which carved up Africa)

32 The Balkans in 1878

33 The Balkans in 1914

34 Dual Alliance of 1879 Allied Germany and Austria
Aid to each other if Russia attacked them Remain neutral if another country attacked Became the Triple Alliance in 1882 when Italy joined Alliance frightened Russia and in 1881 the Three Emperors’ League was renewed Friendly neutrality Austria to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina Closing of Dardanelles to all nations

35 Alliances Cont. War between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1885 distanced Russia and Austria Three Emperors’ League ended once again Reinsurance Treaty of A way to maintain positive relations between Russia and Germany

36 Conflict Escalates William II- young and extremely ambitious
Felt Germany should be the leading power in Europe Strove to be an equal to Britain Dismissed Bismarck in 1890 General Leo von Caprivi Wouldn’t renew treaty with Russia France and Russia signed an alliance (1894) Invest capital in Russia and protection to France Defense treaty against Germany

37 Britain and Germany Colonial rivalries made an alliance between Russia, France, and Britain unlikely Britain pursued a policy of isolationism which Germany resented Britain turned on Germany b/c of economic rivalry and military competition

38 Britain and Germany Cont.
Germany felt Britain was a barrier to their ambitions Germany built up navy to challenge England’s Arms Race

39 Britain abandons Isolation
1902 Japan and Britain sign a treaty Entente Cordiale (1904) Agreement with France Britain gave France Morocco France recognized British control of Egypt Triple Entente (1907) Russia, England, France

40 Europe in 1914

41 Bibliography The Western Civilization by Donald Kagan and Co A History of the Modern World by R.R. Palmer and Co

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