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Stacey Silverman, PhD Academic Quality and Workforce October 12, 2018

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1 Stacey Silverman, PhD Academic Quality and Workforce October 12, 2018
Texas Association of Deans and Directors of Professional Nursing Programs Stacey Silverman, PhD Academic Quality and Workforce October 12, 2018

2 Nursing Innovation Grant Program
Building Simulation and Skills Lab Capacity 2-year grants to support increased use of high- fidelity simulation and alleviate challenges in clinical placement 38 awarded for 17 awarded for 10 awarded for

3 Nursing Innovation Grant Program
Building Simulation and Skills Lab Capacity Currently active grants: (1/1/ /31/2018) (1/1/ /31/2019) Three other grant programs concluded on 12/31/2017: Will finalize with TNA and project personnel on posting and/or linking developed tools on the TNA website Baylor University developed a geriatric competency validation tool box for new nurse graduates. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center developed a competency assessment tool and curriculum focusing on customer service/service excellence and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services core quality measures. The University of Texas at Arlington looked at the range and distribution of an optimum number of clinical contact hours.

4 Emergency and Trauma Care Education Partnership Program
Graduate Nursing Education Education experiences in emergency/trauma care leading to graduate- level nursing degree or post-master’s certificate in emergency/trauma care Award (January December 2019): The University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston 3 PROGRAM Purpose The THECB is seeking to award Grants to ETEP Nursing Programs to support partnerships between hospitals and graduate professional nursing programs in emergency and trauma care. ETEP Grants will support the provision of increased training opportunities for registered nurses in emergency and trauma care through the collaboration between hospitals and graduate professional nursing programs and the use of the existing expertise and facilities of those hospitals and programs. This RFA is seeking Applications from established graduate professional nursing programs that provide educational experiences in emergency and trauma care for graduate-level nursing students. 4.1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANT An Eligible Applicant (Eligible Applicant or Applicant) is a graduate professional nursing program, as defined in Texas Education Code, Section : an educational program of a public or private institution of higher education that prepares students for a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing To be eligible, a graduate professional nursing program must meet the requirements listed below and participate in an Eligible Partnership as defined in Section 4.2 for the proposed ETEP Nursing Program. An eligible graduate professional nursing program: is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education or the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing; and prepares students to earn a graduate-level nursing degree with a specialty focus in emergency/trauma care, or prepares nurse practitioner students to earn a post-master’s certificate in emergency/trauma care. 4.2 ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIPS for ETEP Nursing Programs An Eligible Partnership: consists of one or more eligible graduate professional nursing programs in the state of Texas, as defined in Section 4.1, and one or more hospitals, as defined in Appendix A; uses existing facilities and expertise of the hospitals and graduate professional nursing programs participating in the partnership; and certifies an increase of additional nurses in the participating graduate professional nursing programs.

5 Minority Health Research and Education Grant Program
Recruitment and Retention June 2018 – May 2020 Institutions Targeted Degree Programs Texas A&M University Health Science Center Pharmacy The University of Texas at Austin Family Practice Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Pharmacy-Psychiatric Focus Social Work-Mental Health Counseling The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Medicine Presented RFA in Feb 2018; announced awards in May 2018 Nursing, Allied Health, Dentistry, Medicine, Mental/Social Health, Optometry, & Pharmacy June 1, Grant period starts May 31, Grant period ends 1.2 SYNOPSIS OF PROGRAM MHGP was established to provide funding to eligible institutions of higher education to conduct research and educational projects on public health issues affecting one or more minority groups in Texas. This specific Request for Applications (RFA) solicits recruitment and/or retention projects from eligible public and private institutions of higher education that propose to enable more underrepresented minority students in Texas, especially African Americans and Hispanics, to enroll in and graduate from degree programs in specific health professions that previously reported a low percentage of African American and Hispanic graduates.

6 Minority Health Research and Education Grant Program
Academic-Clinical Partnerships Tentative Timeline October 25, Quarterly Board Meeting February RFA release March Notice of Intent due May Application due July Award announcement September 1, 2019 Grant period starts August 31, Grant period ends Four current awards: September 1, 2017 – August 31, 2019 1.2 SYNOPSIS OF PROGRAM (for current cycle—may revise) This specific Request for Applications (RFA) seeks to support eligible public and private institutions of higher education in providing clinical training and practicum experiences to students in health professions education through sustainable academic-clinical partnerships, while also addressing health disparities, particularly those faced by minority populations in areas and communities in Texas. Consistent with the Texas higher education strategic plan, 60x30TX, this RFA aims to increase program completion through expanded enrollment and to facilitate the acquisition of marketable skills that enhance program graduates’ ability to provide health care in a manner and context appropriate for the individuals being served. One guiding premise of the RFA is also that exposure to and awareness of issues concerning access to health care and health disparities may positively influence students’ career aspirations in working with underserved populations upon graduation.

7 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Provides incentive funding to institutions that Increase professional nursing graduates Increase enrollments of students seeking initial nursing licensure Program is open to professional nursing programs In all sectors State institutions Private not-for-profit institutions Community colleges

8 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
FY 2018 & FY 2019 Funding Regular Program $2.2 Million Over 70 Program $4.6 Million Under 70 Program $2.1 Million

9 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Regular Program: Key Elements Open to all professional nursing programs Started in FY 2006 Application is yearly Awards are yearly Based upon historical increase in nursing graduates as submitted on the CBM-009 Typical award is $3,000 - $3,500 per graduate Award must supplement current nursing program funding (cannot replace existing funding)

10 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Over 70 Program: Key Elements Added in FY 2010 Nursing programs with a graduation rate of over 70% are eligible Application is for a two year period Each year is awarded separately Awards are based upon increased enrollment targets set by Legislature Institutions are advanced award funds Institutions must repay any unearned funds Typical base award is $10,000 per initial licensure Enrollment increase is based on initial licensure data as published by the Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Over-target awards $3,500 - $4,000 per enrollment increase

11 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Under 70 Program: Key Elements Added in FY 2010 Nursing programs with a graduation rate of under 70% are eligible Application is for a two year period One award for the two year period Award is based upon increased graduates of initial licensure nursing students as reported on the CMB 009 Targets are determined by institutions Institutions are advanced award funds Institutions must repay any unearned funds Typical base award is $8,100/$16,200 per graduate Over-target award is $7,000/$14,000 per graduate

12 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Administration Requirements Institutions have one assigned NSRP point of contact for the programs Institutions have almost five fiscal years to expend their awards Use of award expenditures is restricted to being expended exclusively on costs related to the approved categories within the nursing program Institutions should document the basis for the expenditure classification, in case it is audited Audits are required for awards over $500K

13 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
Other important considerations Application submission deadlines is strictly enforced CBM 009 reporting is due on October 1 of each year for nursing graduates Success with the Over 70 and Under 70 programs can be compromised if reporting of RPA codes on the CBM 001 is not timely and accurate Institutions should carefully review their nursing shortage admission program data prior to submission

14 Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program
RPA codes RPA Codes are used to determine separate counts of one-year and two-year students. RPA Codes are used in determining Nursing Graduation Rates, which determine the split between the Over 70 and Under 70 programs. RPA Codes directly affect the calculation of any Under 70 Program award. Listing of RPA Codes Public Universities Community, Technical & State Colleges Health-Related Institutions Independent Colleges & Universities 10 06 11 08 12 09 13 15 14 Additional details regarding RPA codes are located in the CBM Reporting Manuals.

15 Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Assistance Program
Application available on the THECB website at EN= Applicant must: hold a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing; be licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing for the State of Texas; at the time of application for repayment assistance, have been employed full-time for at least one year as, and be currently employed (for the upcoming academic year) full time as a faculty member of a nursing program at an eligible institution in a position that requires an advanced degree in professional nursing; and submit a completed application to the THECB during the annual application period.

16 Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Assistance Program
Nurses may qualify for up to $7,000 a year in student loan repayment for a period of up to 5 years. Annual loan repayment awards are made annually following verification of completion of an employment service period. Repayment under this program will be reported as taxable income to the Internal Revenue Service by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

17 Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Assistance Program
Priorities for Approval of Applications If there are not sufficient funds to award loan repayment assistance for all eligible nursing faculty whose applications are received by the published deadline, priority will be given to renewal applications, after the initial year of the program. Initial applications will be ranked based on the following: faculty at institutions having the highest rates of nursing faculty position vacancies; and faculty at institutions having the highest degree of difficulty in recruiting and retaining nursing faculty, indicated by the period of time nursing faculty positions remain vacant at the institutions

18 Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Assistance Program
Program Participation 732 Recipients since program began in 2014 Funding was not provided in fiscal year 2016 In FY 2017, 190 applicants and 186 received funding Anticipate 200 recipients in FY 2019 Encourage eligible faculty to apply

19 Texas Nursing Programs leading to the BSN

20 Contact AQW Main (512) 427-6200 Nursing Innovation Grant Program
Minority Health Research & Education Grant Program Emergency and Trauma Care Education Partnership Program

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