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SEPA feasibility study in the Central-Transdanubian Region

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1 SEPA feasibility study in the Central-Transdanubian Region
Responsible partner: CTNC

2 Pre-feasibility methods
Pre-selection of potential pre-feasibility areas (policy review, project pipeline, focus groups) Selection criterias location eco-industrial zone Involved areas 6 zones from 3 counties, all maintained by the local governments, 2 analyzed in detail Selected area: Tapolca former military garrison 19/02/2019

3 Feasibility phase – general characteristics
Location Core area of the Balaton Highland In the most attractive touristic part of the country industrial traditions (based on local resources) less developed part of a relatively well developed N2 region History Former military garrison (two barracks) developed in the 1910s basic function after WW2: air defence base of Hungary Present use hectares Closed in 2006 not in use now 19/02/2019

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8 SEPA zone applied approach
complex reorganization (production – services – tourism) decreasing industrial – natural dualism not fragmented but integrated utilization Northern barrack Industrial production area (covering eco-industry) Touristic attractions and services (mainly based on thermal water) Sport and natural activities Southern barrack Airfield 19/02/2019

9 First results of Feasibility Study
Current state in the region Traditional military zone till the end of the 1980’s more than 20 former Soviet/Hungarian military garrisons 14 are utilized as industrial zone, 3 are residental area and 7 are still unused Additionally 6 former heavy industry zones with mixed utilization All have good practices that can be adapted Overall objective Develop and implement a complex industry and services area that will be the economic node of the upper Balaton area with strong interregional embeddment Specific objective Eco-industrial, touristic and logistic utilization of the area with the involvement of foreign investments, and basis on the local workforce 19/02/2019

10 First results of Feasibility Study
Critical parameters Owned by 2 municipalities without full agreement and financial resources a huge part of the area have to completely rebuilt no eco-industrial traditions Management Currently Tapolca municipality is the management body A new project company have to be founded with full decesion power Stakeholder involvment In the development phase, surrounding municipalities, RDA, ministries and investment companies have to be involved (partly done) 19/02/2019

11 First results of Feasibility Study
Scenarios without investment: fast depreciation of the area and long term economic and social problems in the micro region with investment: opportunity to become the economic node of the Balaton region and being a good example for other similar areas Legal background all needed legal support is given development permissions are ready joining to emphasized projects is needed Market and technical viability detailed market and technical analyzes will be made 19/02/2019

12 Planned scheduling Avtivity Deadline Data collection and coordination
31th May Draft FS 30th June Workshops with stakeholders 15th July Final FS 31th July 19/02/2019

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