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SAT Vocabulary Set 10.

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1 SAT Vocabulary Set 10

2 Ambivalence (n.) The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes Nicole knew that Patrick had a bad reputation, but her attraction to him caused her to proceed with ambivalence.

3 Charlatan (adj.) A pretender to knowledge; a “quack”
The charlatan “doctor” claimed to know everything about medicine, but he didn’t even have a degree!

4 Depravity (n.) Extreme corruption; wickedness
The owner of the coffee shop was so overcome with depravity that he was making fake pay stubs for his employees!

5 Elegy (n.) Poem or song expressing grief
Ben treasured the memories of his mom by writing elegies for her.

6 Furtive (adj.) Sneaky; secretive
In the day of modern technology, it’s not always easy to be furtive about your whereabouts.

7 Integrity (n.) Wholeness; completeness
Some of the most successful people are confident, respectful, and full of integrity; they stick to their word and remain true to themselves.

8 Pithy (adj.) Clear; concise; meaningful A speech should always begin
with a pithy opening line to grasp the attention of the audience.

9 Ratify (v.) Approve formally; confirm; verify
Jason wanted to make sure the building permit was ratified before he laid down the foundation for the new home.

10 Robust (adj.) Vigorous; strong; healthy
A heavyweight boxer must be robust enough to withstand the punches of his opponent.

11 Satirical (adj.) Mocking; characterized by sarcasm; a witty attack
The Starving Games is a satirical novella designed to poke fun at Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.

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