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Metamorphic Rocks PART 1.

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1 Metamorphic Rocks PART 1

2 OBJECTIVES Define Metamorphism Classifying Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Process Metamorphic Environments


4 Metamorphism … is the transformation of rock by temperature and pressure Metamorphic rocks are produced by transformation of: Sedimentary and Igneous rocks, and by the further alteration of other metamorphic rocks Protolith: The source rock.


6 Origin of pressure in metamorphism
Confining pressure aka “lithostatic” (due to burial) (Convergent Margin)


8 CLASSIFICATION Texture Foliated: Parallel arrangement of minerals.
Nonfoliated (Granoblastic): Nonparallel arrangement of minerals.

9 What are metamorphic textures?
Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains within a rock Foliation – planar arrangement of mineral grains within a rock

10 Metamorphic textures Foliation can form in various ways:
Rotation of platy or elongated minerals Recrystallization of minerals in a preferred orientation Changing the shape of equidimensional grains into elongated and aligned shapes

11 Texture Foliated Classification
Size of Crystals Nature of Foliation Degree of segreation of light & dark bands. Metamorphic Grade Nonfoliated (Granoblastic) Classification Mineral Compostion

12 Development of foliation due to directed pressure

13 Metamor-phism occurs between about 10 and 50 km of depth
Sedimentary 0 km rock Metamorphic rock Igneous Sediment rock 10 km Metamor-phism occurs between about 10 and 50 km of depth ~200ºC Sedimentary rock Metamorphism Increasing depth and temperature The rocks don’t melt 50 km Melting ~800ºC

14 Originally buried deep, metamorphic rocks are seen when erosion
Glaciers exposed the Rocky Mountains Canadian Shield North Cascades Black Hills Appalachian Mountains Best US exposures in New England and the South Grand Canyon Llano Uplift Originally buried deep, metamorphic rocks are seen when erosion removes covering rocks, and in the cores of mountains


16 Metamorphism Metamorphism progresses from low to high grades
Rocks remain solid during metamorphism Metamorphism occurs above 50km melting depth for felsic minerals

17 What causes metamorphism?
1. Heat Most important agent Heat drives recrystallization - creates new, stable minerals Increasing Heat with Depth

18 Temperature Increase with Depth
“Geothermal Gradient” due to: Radioactive Isotopes Intruding Magma Friction Between Moving Bodies of Rock

19 What causes metamorphism?
2. Pressure (stress) Increases with depth Pressure can be applied equally in all directions or differentially All Directions = “Confining Pressure” also called “lithostatic pressure” Differential = “Directed Pressure”

20 Origin of pressure in metamorphism
Confining pressure aka “lithostatic” (due to burial) (Convergent Margin)

21 Confining Pressure

22 Directed Pressure

23 Source: Kenneth Murray/Photo Researchers Inc.
Directed Pressure causes rocks to become folded, and minerals to reorient perpendicular to the stress: “foliation” Source: Kenneth Murray/Photo Researchers Inc.

24 Foliation Minerals Recrystallize Perpendicular to the Directed Pressure If the minerals are flat, such as sheet-like Micas, their parallel orientation gives a layered look; layering unrelated to the original bedding in the parent rock.

25 Role of Parent Rock Metamorphic rocks typically have the same chemical composition as the rock they were formed from. New minerals are formed in the rock due to the change in heat and pressure with the same composition.


27 Metamorphic Settings Five types of metamorphic settings:
Contact metamorphism – due heat from adjacent rocks Hydrothermal metamorphism – chemical alterations from hot, ion-rich water Regional metamorphism -- Occurs in the cores of mountain belts and converging margins. Includes: Burial Metamorphism – e.g. Burial of sediments deeper than 10 km – non-foliated Dynamothermal Metamorphism – Directed pressure in Plate Tectonic Processes – foliated Cataclasis metamorphism – Occurs at shearing Plate Boundaries. Shock metamorphism – Meteor/asteroid collision.

28 1. Contact Metamorphism

29 Contact Metamorphism Baking due to nearby Magma
Effect strongest in rocks in immediate contact

30 Contact Metamorphism Metamorphic Aureole

31 2. Hydrothermal Metamorphism

32 Hydrothermal Metamorphism
Due to circulation of water near Magma Important at mid-ocean ridge

33 Hydrothermal Metamorphism

34 3. Regional Metamorphism

35 Regional Metamorphism – “Burial”
Variable T, mod-high differential P; characteristic of over-thickened plates (i.e., mountain belts) above convergent boundaries; affects large areas

36 Regional Metamorphism “Dynamothermal”
Most Dynamothermal metamorphism occurs along convergent plate boundaries

37 Dynamothermal Metamorphism,
Felsic continental materials and sediments are buoyant, they have low density They float, cannot be subducted, so they get squashed.

38 4. Cataclasis Metamorphism

39 Cataclasis Metamorphism
Variable T, very high directed P; typically localized to narrow zones of intense mechanical deformation (shear zones).

40 5. Shock Metamorphism

41 Shock Metamorphism Meteor/Asteroid Collision


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