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Trouble in the Catholic Church

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1 Trouble in the Catholic Church
Break between Christianity between Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism

2 1st Break: Great Schism 8th century the use of Icons became an issue with the Christians of the Byzantine Empire(Patriarchs) and Italy(Popes), officially changed 1054 Two major groups formed: Iconoclast (image breakers) and Iconodules (image users) Western Europe are Iconodules and remain the Roman Catholic Church led by Popes Eastern Europe are Iconoclast and become Eastern Orthodox Church and follow Patriarchs

3 Reformation or 2nd break
Spilt between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestants (16th century) Protestants “Protest”the Catholic idea of salvation and indulgence for sale During time of Renaissance more people are able to read the Bible and start to formulate their own ideas and meanings of the scripture. This new ideas lead to revolution within the ranks of the Catholic Church

4 Problems inside the Catholic Church
Simony-sale of church offices Pluralism-holding more than 1 office Absenteeism-hiring out work of church Nepotism-giving of church offices to relatives Corruption within the offices-taking money for own use Pursuit of worldly pleasures and neglect of spiritual duties Popes leading life of luxury similar to secular rulers (kings and queens) All of this lead to resentment and alienation

5 Martin Luther German monk 1483-1546 Professor of Theology
Studied Bible and questioned the ideas about salvation He came up with the idea that salvation could be acquired by repenting sins to God, and throw oneself on God’s mercy and accepting his grace Differs from Catholic ideas of good deeds, confessing sins to church, and selling of indulgence

6 Luther continued Wrote his arguments and disagreements with the Catholic Church in an essay entitled Ninety-Five Thesis The selling of indulgence excluded the lower classes from salvation due to economic status Main arguments: selling of indulgence no longer required sinner to repent for sin (pilgrimage or Crusade) Or the Pope saying he has control over purgatory

7 Luther Luther refused to recant and was marked an outlaw with a price on his head for the rest of his life He began the Lutheran Church, the 1st Protestant Church, in Wittenberg, Germany His ideas were instrumental in the further development of the Protestant Church

8 Differences in Catholicism and Lutheranism
Salvation through faith in God, not good works, sacraments, rituals Church of believers: eliminated pope, cardinal, and bishop Authority rested with Scriptures, not Pope Only 2 sacraments remain: Holy Communion and Baptism Clergy doesn’t have to be celibate, no monasteries Replaced Latin with German, bible reading and hymns State has supremacy over his church

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