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Successful Scheme Integration

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Scheme Integration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Scheme Integration
How to Achieve Successful Scheme Integration Bryony Mathie Impetus Consulting

2 Overview Learn from research commissioned by the Energy Efficiency Partnership for homes Guidance on how to achieve scheme integration Case studies Discussion – exploring the issues Summary of recent workshop sessions The way forward Impetus Consulting

3 Background Domestic energy and/or fuel poverty objectives, with funding or services from more than one source LAOG commissioned research On-the-ground practitioners 2 reports produced Making Integration Work’ What examples of good practice in scheme integration already exist? What can be learnt from these cases to facilitate successful integration? Impetus Consulting

4 Why Integrate? Save Agency Solar Grants Overcome gaps in provision
A number of benefits Enable the UK to meet targets Innovation programme SRB Clear Skies EEC Neighbourhood renewal EEACs Objective 1 Warm Front Impetus Consulting

5 Levels of integration Fragmentation: No coordination between schemes
Relationships between streams of provision are random Signposting Model Client contacts local coordinating agency Organisation operating specific scheme contacts client carries out work Limited integration Coordinating agency works with providers so that funding or services from different streams can flow into the same household. Full integration Coordinating agency manages the total intervention process itself (may be one of the main providers rather than a separate agency) Impetus Consulting

6 Achieving good practice
Research identified that careful attention to design and operation in the following areas : Management and operations Quality assurance Client follow-up Monitoring and development Cost and cost-benefit issues Aims and targets Coverage Partnership arrangements Measures and services integrated Funding Marketing and take-up Impetus Consulting

7 Home Health Initiative
Cornwall Sustainable Energy Partnership (CSEP) Domestic Energy and Health Task Group Features: Multi-agency approach Strategic approach High participation rates Pragmatic approach to roll-out Impetus Consulting

8 Home Health Initiative
Outcomes: During pilot 62% homes surveyed received at least one installed measure; Measures installed for 85% of community referrals. With rollout: Estimated over 3000 homes will receive at least one measure April 2003-March 2006; Annual energy savings over 3.5m kWh/yr; CO2 emissions reduced by over 211 tC/yr. Impetus Consulting

9 Investing in Energy West Lothian Council
EEC social sector combined with private sector home repairs programme Features: Significant economies through use of same contractors Unique advice shop feature with range of services Highly effective Impetus Consulting

10 Fenland Integrated Energy Programme (FIEP)
Fenland District Council and Anglia West EEAC Features: Progressively expanded Innovative Energy Tax Credit scheme Tackles coverage gaps Wider sustainability agenda Impetus Consulting

11 Warm and Well Severn Wye Energy Agency Features:
Health Practitioner referral Consortium approach Emphasis on monitoring and reviewing Unique GEEG energy grant Highly replicable Impetus Consulting

12 Achieving good practice
Research identified that careful attention to design and operation in the following areas : Management and operations Quality assurance Client follow-up Monitoring and development Cost and cost-benefit issues Sustainability Aims and targets Coverage Partnership arrangements Measures and services integrated Funding Marketing and take-up Impetus Consulting

13 Aims and targets Set clear aims and, where possible, quantitative targets for the scheme overall and for individual interventions Impetus Consulting

14 Aims and targets Fenland Integrated Energy Programme: Aims include:
Social, economic and environmental benefits through sustainable projects Affordable warmth for all throughout the district Targets set through HECA strategy and include a fuel poverty reduction target of 30% and CO2 reduction of 20% by 2010 Impetus Consulting

15 Coverage Pay close attention to coverage Consider: Geographical level
Eligibility rules Prioritisation rules Volume of work Timeframe Impetus Consulting

16 Coverage Investing in Energy Programme Wide and prioritised coverage
Covering whole region on a roll-out basis House condition survey overlaid with data from the advice shop Home Health Initiative Only eligibility criteria was being resident in the target area Traditionally hard to reach groups were successful targeted Impetus Consulting

17 Partnerships Evolve local energy efficiency and fuel poverty work through nurtured partnerships that involve key local agencies Impetus Consulting

18 Partnerships Warm and Well
Origins in the Affordable Warmth Strategy for Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire Consortium approach for all seven local authorities Investing in Energy Partnership meeting initially every 2 weeks now monthly Partnership reviews progress, quality and development Impetus Consulting

19 Measures and services Design packages of measures and services that are sufficiently comprehensive to meet scheme aims and targets Impetus Consulting

20 Measures and services Gloucestershire Warm and Well
Unique GEEG makes range of measures available Represents a positive step towards a coherent county-wide approach Impetus Consulting

21 Funding Make acquiring funding the central priority of any scheme and clearly link it to the scheme strategy Impetus Consulting

22 Funding CSEP’s Home Health project
Funding from a range of sources e.g. EAGA Warm Front Grants British Gas – ‘Here to Help’ scheme Neighbourhood Renewal Fund EST’s Innovation Programme Kerrier Homes Trust Penwith Housing Association Home Office Safer Communities Initiative New Opportunities SEED fund RSLs contributed 50% to works on their properties Impetus Consulting

23 Marketing and take-up Use creative and systematic approaches to marketing and publicity to gain the attention and interest of the target clients. 3 approaches: Publicity driven; Street-by-street personal contact, and Referral schemes. Impetus Consulting

24 Marketing and take-up Home Health Initiative
Extensive publicity through local media and community events Referral network Result: exceptionally high take up of measures Impetus Consulting

25 Management and operations
Ensure efficient day-to-day operations Information systems to track project and keep partners up-to-date Impetus Consulting

26 Management and operations
Home Health Initiative Good coordination of referrals with follow up Database of client contacts and key partners Key partners in adjacent offices Impetus Consulting

27 Other Elements Implement a system of quality assurance to maintain the credibility of the project Incorporate client follow-up in scheme design and operation to assess impact of intervention Monitor scheme against aims and targets set and develop in light of this Invest time in addressing cost effectiveness issues Impetus Consulting

28 Achieving good practice
Research identified that careful attention to design and operation in the following areas : Management and operations Quality assurance Client follow-up Monitoring and development Cost and cost-benefit issues Sustainability Aims and targets Coverage Partnership arrangements Measures and services integrated Funding Marketing and take-up Impetus Consulting

29 Discussion Issues? Solutions? Barriers? Impetus Consulting

30 Summary of regional workshops
10 regional workshops in England and Wales held at HECA forums Opportunity to discuss individual schemes Identifying main barriers, including: Ring-fenced funding Lack of resources Insufficient data Identifying opportunities Using the HECA forums Partnerships Community Strategies

31 Taking it forward Review current schemes operating in the local area with energy efficiency/fuel poverty aims; Identify current gaps in coverage and eligibility; Raise internal awareness to secure senior level support; Bring together potential partners, and Make the most of the guidance available to plan action. Impetus Consulting

32 Further information For briefing note, case studies and presentation, contact Practical help: T: F: W: E: Impetus Consulting

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