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Lesson-7 How Clean is our neighbourhood

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson-7 How Clean is our neighbourhood"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson-7 How Clean is our neighbourhood

2 Activity-1 Do this Activity: Jog for a minute. Sit down quietly
Close your eyes Now try to listen carefully the sound coming from your body. What sound do you listen to? Ans:

3 All living things breath all the time.
HumanBeings &animals breath through their nose. Leaves breath through their leaves.

4 How do you feel when you:
Pass by a dirty drain? Ans: Come across a heap of garbage lying for several days?

5 Causes of air pollution. 1
The smoke from factories.

6 2 The smoke from motor vehicle.

7 Other causes are: The smoke from burning garbage-
Houseflies & mosquitoes also breed at these places.Their breeding leads to various diseases. The smoke from crackers.

8 What should we do to keep the air around us clean?
We should: Put the garbage in a bin with a lid. Throw the garbage at fixed public places. Make drains for proper drainage of water. Avoid throwing garbage in open drains. Avoid using & throwing plastic bags in drains.

9 Continuation……. Avoid burning the garbage in the open.
Avoid defecation in the open. Avoid spitting in the open.

10 Thus we have learnt: We fall ill if breath in the polluted air.
We have to cover our nose while passing by the garbage. Breathing in clean & fresh air keeps us healthy.

11 2. If we throw food in the class room? Ans:

12 1.we donot keep our classroom clean? Ans:
What will happen if? 1.we donot keep our classroom clean? Ans:

13 If we throw the plastic bags in the drain?. Ans:
2 If we throw the plastic bags in the drain?. Ans:

14 3 If we throw food in the class room? Ans:

15 Quiz. It is necessary for Life. It is found in Garbage.
Put the garbage In me.

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