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Identity Checkpoint is

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1 Identity Checkpoint is
“The End to Identity Fraud”

2 The Big Picture Crisis According to Gartner, Identity Fraud costs for individuals and institutions globally is reaching nearly $500B each year. It devastates personal well being as well as sense of security and impacts the quality of life almost indefinitely. At this time, there is no foreseeable, universal solution on the horizon.

3 The Crisis & the Solution
The cause of the crisis is our non-participation in authorizing the use of our personal identifiers and financial instruments. Identity Checkpoint puts the individual back in control of their identity and proves “they are who they say they are” and verifies “they have authorized the use of their accounts and assets.”

4 Product / Technology Identity Checkpoint will provide a open SaaS platform for business, financial networks and governments to implement “multi-factor identity and financial instrument use authorization.” Identity Checkpoint will provide a free application to everyone for managing their personal identity and financial instruments use.

5 Market Opportunities Targets In discussions US Departments & Agencies
State & County Departments & Agencies Financial Institutions Credit Card Gateways Business Entities In discussions IRS Comptroller of Maryland MD DoIT

6 The Basis of the Business Model
The heart of all business is the authorization of processes and the transfer of funds / ownership from one entity to another entity Each non-cash transfer of funds / ownership has a composite transactional cost which is paid to third parties. Becoming part of those transactional / event processes as the 3rd party providing authorization services is the principal business goal.

7 The Competitive Landscape

8 Unique in the Market Models that scan activity and look for anomalies do hinder malicious activity. But, they are cost intensive and can create friction for identity and financial instrument owners. Systematic indicators and ‘red flags’ are often triggered at the end of the transaction processes. What’s worse, they often draw attention to an issue only after activity has happened. Sentry is not fraud monitoring. Sentry is fraud prevention. The reactions by the impacted business and government to mitigate the results of Identity Fraud are typically complex and produce additional friction between them and their customers/taxpayers.

9 The Sentry Difference Integrates within Current Systems
Compatible with Existing Data/Algorithm Monitoring Stops Fraudulent Information Before released into processing systems Creates a two-way dialogue with the identity/financial instrument owner. Only the actions they approve will be implemented. Those they decline can be immediately queued for review by law enforcement personnel Free to the identity/financial instrument owner, allowing them to take an active role in protecting their identity rather than abdicating responsibility. Again, the primary differences are that Sentry is proactive, not reactive, and includes the owner to authorize the use of their identities and financial instruments.

10 Milestones 4/3/13 Conception 5/6/13 Incorporated
5/24/13 Patent Application 1/8/14 Prototype Completed 3/26/14 Trademarks Applications 10/14/14 US SAM Registration 9/30/15 Patent Acceleration Petition 3/1/16 IRS Unsolicited Proposal Submitted One of the largest victims of Identity Fraud is the IRS with its tax refund fraud issues. Sentry will solve this. During the last two and half years, we have reached the following milestones: Because of the potential of this patent in Counter Terrorism, the last milestone was a petition for an accelerated patent examination.

11 Management Team and Advisors
Name Role Bio Marc George CEO/CTO Software Architect, Thought, Systems Consulting & Engineering Jon Tholen CSO VP, BCBS California Global Head Operations, VISA Amber Schmidlin COO SVP, Bank of America Thomas Erisman CFO CFO, 180s CFO, Reborn Beauty Peter Engstrom Advisor VP, Federal Knowledge Business, SAIC

12 Partnership Sought A strategic partnership is sought with a well known, major entity to overcome the unstated “past performance” issues of government and business entities integrating the products and/or services provided by a startup. The nature of that partnership is open to negotiation at this time and Identity Checkpoint looks forward to it being highly benefitable to both parties.

13 The significance of this solution is Sentry has the potential to impact every activity in World.

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