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Plate Tectonics Lesson 1 cont.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Lesson 1 cont."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-11-18 Plate Tectonics Lesson 1 cont.

2 Do Now: Answer the following question in your science notebook
What is Pangaea? Pangaea was the super continent that existed 200 million years ago and split up to become our 7 continents of today. Describe plate tectonics. The theory that Earth’s surface is broken into rigid pieces that move with respect to each other.

3 Homework: Work on Science Fair
Data table, graph, results & conclusions due Tuesday, 1/16 Submit to class website

4 Student Work: Teach! As each student teaches their term to the class, write down a working definition to remember/master the terminology.

5 Key Definitions to Know
Convergent boundary: plates come together/collide Divergent boundary: plates move apart/away from each other Transform boundary: plates slip/rub past each other

6 Extension Think of 3 dream vacation spots
Map the location of your 3 dream vacation spots on the provided map. Once you plot the points on the map, use a computer to research how many earthquakes have occurred in these 3 locations in the past 20 years. Use or a similar earthquake tracker website Based on your research, identify the "safest" (least number of earthquakes) place to plan their dream vacation.

7 Closure: Exit Ticket Complete the exit ticket and submit as you leave.

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