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SLAC B-Factory BaBar Experiment WAN Requirements

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1 SLAC B-Factory BaBar Experiment WAN Requirements
Les Cottrell, SLAC Presentation for NTON Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

2 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
What is SLAC? Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Department of Stanford, funded by DOE Mission: Basic experimental research in Elementary Particle Physics Accelerator Research & design Synchrotron Radiation research 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

3 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
What is the B Factory? PEP-II B Factory Presidential initiative, started 1994 SLAC, LBNL, LLNL collaboration Energies similar to those immediately after big bang Chosen to create particles (B mesons) made of bottom quarks Asymmetric Electron - Positron storage rings “Factory” for large numbers of collisions (high intensity, high luminosity), high reliability, smooth operation Asymmetric energies allow picking apart of the secondary decays of B mesons from the initial collision point 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

4 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
What is BaBar? BaBar Large detector to surround collision point at B Factory Look at decays of B particles Investigate central prediction of Standard Model explanation of CP violation which results in the existence of large calculatable asymmetries in decays of B0s into CP eigenstates Start taking physics data in 1999 > 500 physicists collaborating from > 70 sites in 10 countries There are other requirements (e.g. SLD and GLAST), but not as large 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

5 Computational Requirements
Data Tbytes / year HPSS & Object Oriented Db Computing Expect ~ 100,000 SpecInt92s Farms of pizza boxes for simulation (low I/O) & data reconstruction Looking at SMPs for higher I/O compiling and linking interactive analysis, databases Unix today, but ... Significant analysis centers not at SLAC One STK Silo full of Redwood 40 Gbyte tapes = 300 Tbytes Data is logged directly to OO Db (very aggressive) CPU requirements are currently being actively evaluated, general feeling (based on previous experiments) is that 100,000 SpecInt92s is a big underestimate Other analysis centers in France (IN2P3), UK (RAL), Italy. 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

6 Requirements for High Speed Networking
Copying of reconstructed data sets to other sites (e.g. LBNL) enable use of non-SLAC compute cycles for reconstruction backup, disaster recovery sustained rate ~ Mbytes/sec, double to allow catch-up Reconstruction turns raw (pulse heights etc.) into useful data (4 vectors etc.) 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

7 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
Requirements Interactive event analyses by people at remote sites Needs several Mbytes/sec per user and expect several simultaneous users. Slower rates will mean use batch & not interactive Still need to understand how to parse the interactive analysis (bandwidth versus central capacity) Previous experiments has demonstrated that loss of interaction badly impairs physics productivity 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

8 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
Requirements Large program builds between Institutions Requires copying of 200 Mbytes per user in seconds Expect 2 to 3 simultaneous users 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

9 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
Requirements Enable high quality collaboratory work video and data conferencing (say 5-20 simultaneous such conferences or about 4Mbytes/sec for long periods) remote real-time data monitoring, experiment feedback remote presence at experiment (e.g. full motion video) evaluate effectiveness of virtual experiment / reality etc. for HEP (build on LBNL setup) Need higher quality video conferencing than available with standard MBONE, talking heads. Fall back to video conference rooms, audio (phone) & FAX. Have two (will be three soon) video conference rooms (circuit switched), but pretty much booked solid. Equipping BaBar group at S:LAC with VC capable desktops. Shows importance. Need to deploy more widely. 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

10 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97
Summary Peak needs = several hundreds of Mbits/sec Want to start soon to understand how to use, to change mind-sets etc. and build to production use in late More Information SLAC B Factory/PEPII BaBar Given the current state of the Internet, by necessity we have to limit our vision and use. It is hard to plan unless there is something to suggest it can be dramatically improved. The NTONC could provide important input and incentive to broaden our vision and get out of the chicken and egg problem. 2/19/2019 NTONC Research Partner Meeting, LLNL 7/30/97

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