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Carbon Model-Data Fusion

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1 Carbon Model-Data Fusion
Britton Stephens National Center for Atmospheric Research Atmospheric Technology Division CDAS Team: Dave Schimel, Britt Stephens, David Baker, Steve Aulenbach, Jennifer Oxelson, Dave Brown, Roger Dargaville Main research in instruments for O2 and CO2. . . Got into modeling by thinking about how modelers were using CO2, what type of data would be most useful, and then . . .

2 Are we presently model or data limited? Model-data fusion
Data are sparse but models can’t handle high variability Model-data fusion Synthesis inversion Data assimilation Parameter estimation “Introduction of observations into a modeling framework, to provide: Estimates of model parameters Uncertainties on parameters and model output Ability to reject a model” (Michael Raupach)

3 Challenges to carbon model-data fusion
Limited concentration data, far from sources Vertical and horizontal model coarseness “Representativeness” or model-data mismatch Boundary-layer stable-layer height errors Spatial flux heterogeneities  must weight measurements appropriately S

4 Regional and smaller scales are critical for linking to underlying processes

5 Unresolved variance presently contains most of the information on regional- and smaller-scale fluxes

6 . . . but to use on a global scale requires a new approach.
Even biased high-frequency measurements do better than long-term means. . . (Rachel Law, submitted to Tellus, 2001) . . . but to use on a global scale requires a new approach.

7 Data-assimilation Ingests data at the time of observations
Can handle very large data streams Used extensively in weather prediction and satellite analysis Can assimilate multiple data types In situ concentrations Satellite concentrations Satellite environmental data (e.g. standing water) Direct flux measurements Inventory data Methods are relatively complex Error statistics are not produced as easily

8 Differences between CH4 and CO2
Assimilation of CH4 may be easier because: Fluxes are much more unidimensional Diurnal rectification of sources not an issue Ocean fluxes are much less significant Satellite measurements may be more feasible However. . . Spatial structure of sources are highly local In situ measurements are more challenging

9 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)
Bring together observationalists and modelers to form an integrated approach to improving our understanding of the global carbon cycle. Initial effort: Network design exercises based on a selected assimilation modeling strategy. Ongoing: Further development of the assimilation tool and support for testing and

10 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)
Overview of CDAS Users http-Based Interface DODS Aggregation Server Simulated Observing System GrADS- DODS Server Simulated CO2 Observations Reference Global Atmospheric CO2 4D VAR Assimilation System

11 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)
Overview of CDAS: Production of Reference Atmospheric CO2 Users http-Based Interface Annual Land Model Fluxes (0.5o) DODS Aggregation Server Diurnal & Seasonal Cycle Model Simulated Observing System GrADS- DODS Server Ocean Model Fluxes (2o ) Atmospheric Transport Model Reference Global Atmospheric CO2 Simulated CO2 Observations Reference Global Atmospheric CO2 2.5o, resolution 25 vertical levels, 1 hour Dt, & 365 days = 2.6TB Industrial Fluxes (1o ) 4D VAR Assimilation System

12 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)

13 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)
CDAS Application: Data Volumes Users 2.6 TB http-Based Interface DODS Aggregation Server Simulated Observing System GrADS- DODS Server Simulated CO2 Observations Reference Global Atmospheric CO2 200 MB 4D VAR Assimilation System Global Estimate, 11 North American Bioregions

14 Carbon Data-Model Assimilation (C-DAS)
Overview of CDAS: retrieval of fluxes using data assimilation Users http-Based Interface 4D VAR Assimilation System Atmospheric Transport Model Estimated Annual Fluxes (Bioregional) DODS Aggregation Server Retrieved CO2 Observations Simulated Observing System GrADS- DODS Server Adjoint of Atmospheric Transport Model Compare 1st Guess fluxes Simulated CO2 Observations Reference Global Atmospheric CO2 Input Global Atmospheric CO2 fluxes Optimizer 4D VAR Assimilation System


16 Flux corrections using existing CO2 network
Hour = 6 Hour = 7 Hour = 5 Hour = 4 Hour = 2 Hour = 3 Hour = 1

17 Flux corrections constrained by regional patterns
Month = 9 Month = 10 Month = 12 Month = 8 Month = 11 Month = 7 Month = 3 Month = 2 Month = 4 Month = 5 Month = 6 Month = 1

18 Potential applications for CH4
What is the optimal network expansion? Continuous vs. flask measurements Value of satellite concentrations for various sensors Proximity of measurements to sources Accuracy and resolution vs. density of measurements What other types of data can we assimilate? Satellite water distributions Direct flux measurements Inventory data Can we assimilate CO2 and CH4 together?  Primary requirement is people

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