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Racism, Sexism and Affirmative Action: Some Key Points

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Presentation on theme: "Racism, Sexism and Affirmative Action: Some Key Points"— Presentation transcript:

1 Racism, Sexism and Affirmative Action: Some Key Points

2 Causes of discrimination: prejudice (biased judgment), stereotyping, socialization, unequal power relations, unjust laws and unfair public policies

3 Harmful effects of discrimination on the victims: The victims are denied their basic rights and/or access to opportunities. As a result, many of them are disadvantaged and/or trapped at the bottom of society.

4 Harmful effects of discrimination on society: social conflicts and other problems resulting from racial inequality and sexual inequality

5 Solutions to the problem: equal opportunity policy, affirmative action, education, publicity campaigns, legal and social reforms, and other government efforts to help the disadvantaged and victims of discrimination

6 Moral basis of (justifications for) equal opportunity policy:
the principle of non-discrimination the principle of formal equality of opportunity

7 Moral basis of (justifications for) affirmative action:
the principle of compensatory justice the principle of fair equality of opportunity

8 Note that affirmative action is not the only way to achieve compensatory justice and fair equality of opportunity. And it may not be the best approach.

9 The compensatory justice argument:
[P1] Victims of discrimination are entitled to compensation. [P2] Preferential treatment is a form of compensation. [C] Victims of discrimination are entitled to preferential treatment.

10 The reverse discrimination argument:
[P1] Differential treatment on irrelevant grounds is morally unacceptable. [P2] Preferential affirmative action involves differential treatment on irrelevant grounds. [C] Preferential affirmative action is morally unacceptable.

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