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Monday Week 9.

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1 Monday Week 9

2 go without, withdraw, desist Blighted damaged, destroyed, ruined
Abstain go without, withdraw, desist Blighted damaged, destroyed, ruined Credulous gullible, ready to believe anything Enshroud to cover Haughtiness Arrogance(display of superiority or self-importance) snobbish Lachrymose tearful, sad Obfuscate to deliberately make something difficult to understand Plethora an excess, a lot, many Repudiate to shun/cast off, to reject with disapproval Tedium boredom

3 Wesley’s teasing embarrassed Mrs
Wesley’s teasing embarrassed Mrs. Jones, so she answered him with ________to put him in his place.

4 Fluffy, white clouds served to _________the summit of the mountain, which obscured the view.

5 It is important to ________from things that are bad for you, like walking in traffic or chewing gum in class.

6 The giant ink blot from Jeff’s leaking pen ________his beautiful essay.

7 One of the best things about _______toddlers is that they will believe almost anything that you tell them.

8 The politician made a great effort to ________ the truth, but he got caught anyway.

9 When their son stole their retirement money, the elderly couple had no choice but to _________ such a pathetic criminal.

10 When Mrs. Parham told the class they all had to give an impromptu speech in front of the whole school, they looked at her in ________silence.

11 Sometimes I think that I can not survive the endless_______of long meetings.

12 There is truly a _______ of excellent students in the 8th grade at FMS

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