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Horizon H2020 – Open to the world and opportunities for participation

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Presentation on theme: "Horizon H2020 – Open to the world and opportunities for participation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Horizon H2020 – Open to the world and opportunities for participation
Target group researchers in non- industrialised countries, e.g. Info day

2 Overview Horizon 2020 – Open to the World
The Participant Portal: the overall source of information Horizon 2020 project consortium: what to look for Evaluation criteria, process and scores Proposal drafting

3 Horizon 2020 – Open to the World

4 What is Horizon 2020? Your access to European research and innovation
Horizon 2020 is open to the world! The EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation The biggest multinational programme of its kind with a budget of almost € 80 billion Horizon 2020 welcomes researchers & institutions, public or private, from all over the world

5 facts on Horizon 2020 country participation
107 of these are third countries 152 countries in total participate in H2020 Current collaborative research projects in total1: with 21,69 billion € disbursed EU-funding 1 Marie-Sklodowska-Curie, ERC and SME-Instrument as individual research opportunities are exempt

6 Why should you participate in Horizon 2020?
Ambitious research and innovation projects Access to world class research infrastructures Tackle global challenges together with excellent European and International scientists Mobility to Europe Access to new networks and alliances New business opportunities and visibility of your research Research funding

7 Europe invites International Partners to participate
Access to knowledge Attracting talent and investment Better research and exploitation Access to markets More visible global profile

8 Horizon 2020 covers three priority areas:
Researcher driven: The foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing Excellent science 1 Industry driven: Strategic investments in key technologies Industrial leadership 2 Societal challenges Society driven: Tackling the great challenges of our time of citizens and society 3

9 How can you participate in Horizon 2020?
There are two ways to participate: There is funding for collaborative research Together with at least 3 entities from 3 different countries of the EU or from Countries Associated to Horizon 2020 There is funding for individual researchers Researchers of all nationalities are welcome to participate

10 Where in Horizon 2020 can you find funds for individual research?
The European Research Council (ERC) =excellent research Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) = mobility of researchers These opportunities are for researchers who want to work in Europe. Excellent Science

11 Industrial Leadership
How to participate in a collaborative project? As an entity from Iran you can take part in collaborative projects of Horizon 2020 You can receive funding You can even coordinate a project Remember! All proposals must meet certain minimum conditions: 3 participants from different EU member states or associated countries You as an international partner must come in addition to this minimum Excellent Science Societal Challenges Industrial Leadership

12 Eligibility for Funding – General Rules
Automatically funded: Member States Associated Countries Countries listed in Annex 1 of the Work Programme Other Partner Countries are funded when: Agreement exists between 2 funding bodies Provision made in the call text Commission deems participation essential Iran

13 Europe in a changing world Catalytic transformation of hydrocarbons
Specific topics targeting cooperation with Iran Europe in a changing world Drivers and contexts of violent extremism in the broader MENA region and the Balkans Nanotechnologies Catalytic transformation of hydrocarbons Targeted Opening

Be selected & Get involved! Submit a proposal Find partners Idea how to visulize this process? Find a relevant call (in the work programme)

15 The Participant Portal: the overall source of information

16 How to find suitable calls in Horizon 2020?
By area of interest By keyword By Horizon 2020 priority areas

17 a) By area of interest Horizon 2020 basic website
Agriculture & Forestry | Aquatic Resources | Bio-based Industries Biotechnology | Energy | Environment & Climate Action | Food & Healthy Diet Funding Researchers | Health | ICT Research & Innovation International Cooperation | Key Enabling Technologies | Partnerships with Industry and Member States | Raw Materials | Research Infrastructures| Security | SMEs | Social Sciences & Humanities | Society | Space| Transport

18 b) By keyword

19 c) By Horizon 2020 priority areas

20 Horizon 2020 project consortium: what to look for

21 Type of participation within a consortium
Coordinator Participants Third-parties Beneficiaries Horizon 2020 distinguishes 4 basic types of third-party support The purchase of goods and services Subcontracts Work done by “linked third parties” Other third-party contributions

22 Horizon 2020 project consortium: what to look for
Think about partners within your consortium WELL BALANCED: geographical spread, expertise and type of organisation (Academia, Research centers, Industry, SMEs,…) RELIABLE

23 Horizon 2020 project Consortium: what to look for
Identify the right partner for a specific topic Read carefully topic description, conditions and documents

24 Partner search via Participant Portal

25 Evaluation criteria, process and scores

26 Standard evaluation criteria
Three evaluation criteria for full proposals: (Sub-)criteria are adapted to each type of action, as specified in Annex H of the Work Programme Only two evaluation criteria for first stage proposals: Excellence and Impact Evaluation criteria reflect the proposal structure (part B) Excellence Impact Quality and efficiency of implementation

27 Overview of the evaluation process
Commission Evaluators (min. 3 for each proposal) Commission Receipt of Proposals Individual Evaluation Consensus Group Panel Review Finali-sation Eligibility check Allocation of proposals to evaluators Individual Evaluation Reports (Usually done remotely) Consensus Report (May be done remotely) Panel Report Evaluation Summary Report Panel ranked list Final ranked list

28 Evaluation scores Maximum overall score is 15 (3x5), unless a weighting is applied Generally a pre-defined qualifying score on each criterion and an overall qualifying score needs to be achieved. Qualifying scores may vary According to type of action Between the first and second stage proposals in two-stage procedures Standard practice: Excellence 3 Impact 3 Implementation 3 10

29 Register to become an independent expert!
Registrations from independent experts from all over the world are welcome! You have a chance of being selected as an expert if you: have high-level of expertise in the relevant fields (see calls for experts for details) can be available for occasional, short-term assignments have no conflicts of interest in regards to the requested evaluation Go to:

30 Proposal drafting

31 Structuring the proposal – Part B

32 Scientific Excellence: tips
Objectives Quantifiable and clear targets Formulated to maximize impact Concept and Methodology Clear descriptions giving sufficient details while avoiding jargon Keeping it transparent, identifying data sources, assumptions and possible hurdles Innovation potential and progress beyond the state of the art Describing the state of the art, including previous and ongoing projects and patents, and explaining how the project builds on and goes beyond the previous work

33 Impact: tips Expected Impact
Supporting the expected impact with quantifiable information Appropriate measurable indicators to convincingly demonstrate how the projects will contribute to all the expected impacts Justify the reasons for focusing on a specific area of the call and how this is reflected in the expected impacts Exploitation, dissemination and Communication Explain how open access will be ensured Credibly describe exploitation and uptake beyond the project and how long-term sustainability is accomplished Clearly define the different target audiences, including media and public

34 Implementation: tips Work plan and resources
Activities and resources responding to the Type of Action, the challenge and methodology Clear and credible interactions and integration between WPs and partners, including for interdisciplinary work Linkage between responsibilities – tasks – deliverables – resources Risk management Key risks covered and risk level indicated Effective mitigation measures and contingency plans Management structure Clearly identified roles, composition and interaction of management and advisory bodies, including decision making Credible mechanisms for quality assurance and performance monitoring

35 Finish with the fine-tuning
The technical annex must give a detailed description of the project idea and work plan, which: divides the planned work into work packages, assigns the related responsibilities and resources within the consortium, sets out a project time schedule, main milestones and deliverables, describes the project management structure, describes the communication and exploitation plans.

36 Thank you. #InvestEUresearch www. ec. europa
Thank you! #InvestEUresearch Participant Portal www © European Union, The information and views set out in this presentation are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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