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Format for Outlines Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Format for Outlines Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Format for Outlines Procedures

2 Outlines Format For each chapter:
Roman numerals for each major heading Summarize what’s important in each section Thoroughly define each vocabulary term Capital letter for each sub heading Any further sub heading should be labelled with a number

3 Outlines Rules Your outline: Cannot be typed
You’ll be given a minimum length for each chapter. You must have at least that much You must have notes for each section of the text You must complete the chapter. Up to: US – “Scope of Government” COMP – “Summary”

4 Outlines Grades Your grade: You’ll lose points if it’s short.
You’ll lose 10 points each day that It’s late. This is the largest % of your grade. 20% You have complete control over this. You can turn it in early. This will serve as a counter balance for your quizzes.

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