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Modern Problems in Africa

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1 Modern Problems in Africa

2 Famine : Widespread hunger caused by the near complete lack of food
Mostly children are affected Death is a result of diseases like malaria & infections due to a weakened immune system. Drought & over farming are only two causes.


4 Disaster Relief United Nations International RED CROSS
Send Peacekeepers (international troops) to maintain peace in hostile regions International RED CROSS Feed/house/protect refugees Doctors Without Borders Basic medical care UNICEF (organization to protect children of the world) Protect children's’ health, education, clothing, shelter and rights.

5 poverty Very, very, very poor impoverished Leads to poor nutrition
Poor health care poverty Poor sanitation Short life expectancy No new businesses Low education

6 Government Instability
African nations experience many civil wars or rebellions. Military overthrows of the government. (Coup d'état) Change in gov’t leads to an unstable economy & foreigners are afraid to invest.

7 Fund civil wars Blood Diamonds
Local people are forced by soldiers to dig/mine for diamonds. Rebels/armies take control of mines Uncertified diamonds sold to buy weapons Fund civil wars Blood Diamonds Congo, Angola & Sierra Leone Boy Soldiers Children are kidnapped and trained as soldiers. Forced to fight & kill to survive.



10 A.I.D.S: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDS is an epidemic across Africa. : an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly and widely. 34 million people in world have AIDS 24 million are from sub-Saharan Africa 85% of those who die from AIDS are from Africa. #1 cause of death in Africa, more than wars, famine & floods.


12 AIDS is spread through contact with bodily fluids.
Blood, vaginal fluid, semen, & breast milk HIV is the virus that causes AIDS Three main methods of infection w/ HIV: Having unprotected sex with an infected person. Sharing a needle (shooting drugs) with someone who's infected Being born to an infected mother, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman.

13 Major causes of AIDS in Africa
Poverty – leads to poor medical care Ignorance – lack of education/information. Denial “It won’t happen to me”/ Refusing testing Breastfeeding passes disease to infants. Believing in myths : having sex with virgins will cure them! Promiscuity – men have multiple partners increasing the number of infections.


15 2009

16 2012 – PBS compares AIDS in Washington, DC w/ Africa

17 2013



20 Ebola The 2014 Ebola epidemic was the largest in history, affecting West Africa: Guinea, Sierra Leon, & Liberia Likely hosts = bats Spread thru direct contact with: bodily fluids of an infected person, objects contaminated with virus, infected bats/primates

21 1 in 2 people who contracted it died
Deaths in 2014: ~900 1 in 2 people who contracted it died Caused localized epidemic & fears of worldwide pandemic due to modern travel & 21 day incubation period

22 Modern Problems in Africa

23 Famine : Widespread __________ caused by the near complete _____________________
Mostly ____________ are affected Death is a result of diseases like __________ & infections due to a weakened ___________ system. ________ & over farming are only two causes.

24 Disaster Relief United Nations International ________________
Send _______________ (international troops) to maintain peace in hostile regions International ________________ Feed/house/protect __________ __________ Without Borders Basic medical care ______________ (organization to protect children of the world) Protect children's’ health, education, clothing, shelter and rights.

25 poverty Very, very, very poor impoverished
Leads to ___________________ Poor health care poverty Poor _______________ ________ life expectancy No new businesses Low ______________

26 Government Instability
African nations experience many __________ or rebellions. Military overthrows of the government. (__________) Change in gov’t leads to an unstable economy & foreigners are afraid to ________.

27 __________________ Blood Diamonds
Local people are forced by soldiers to dig/mine for diamonds. Rebels/armies take control of mines Uncertified diamonds sold to buy ____________ __________________ Blood Diamonds ___________, Angola & Sierra Leone Boy Soldiers _______________ are kidnapped and trained as soldiers. Forced to fight & kill to survive.


29 AIDS is spread through contact with ____________.
Blood, vaginal fluid, semen, & breast milk _____ is the virus that causes _____ Three main methods of infection w/ HIV: Having ________________ with an infected person. Sharing a ________ (shooting drugs) with someone who's infected Being born to an infected mother, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman.

30 Major causes of AIDS in Africa
Poverty – leads to poor ______________ ___________ – lack of education/information. Denial “It won’t happen to me”/ Refusing testing Breastfeeding passes disease to infants. Believing in myths : _____________________ Promiscuity – men have ___________ partners increasing the number of infections.

31 _________ The 2014 Ebola ___________ was the largest in history, affecting West Africa: Guinea, Sierra Leon, & Liberia (a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease) Likely hosts = ______ Spread thru direct contact with: ____________ of an infected person, objects contaminated with virus, infected bats/primates

32 1 in 2 people who contracted it ______
Deaths in 2014: ~_____ 1 in 2 people who contracted it ______ Caused localized epidemic & fears of worldwide __________ (worldwide outbreak) due to modern _______ & 21 day incubation period

33 ____________________: Ideology that encouraged the unity of Africans b/c their economic, social, and political progress is based on unity. Organization of __________________ (1963): Promotes the global relations within the UN replaced by African Union (2002)

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