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Success in Beowulf E12.

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1 Success in Beowulf E12

2 SEE set Reminder S—Statement about your topic that you are going to prove and explain. E—Evidence that proves your topic (facts/quotes from the sources)* E—Explanation or Elaboration of that evidence that connects it back to your original statement. _____________________________________________________________ *Source Evidence-This is evidence taken from a text. It must be punctuated AND cited appropriately.

3 Goals: 8 Sentence Paragraph (minimum)
A well-developed paragraph is two or more SEE sets expanded; however, you need to use a TOPIC SENTENCE at the beginning and a CONCLUDING SENTENCE at the end. Topic Sentence-Statement that clarifies your focus for the paragraph SEE Set-Statement/example/explanation of your 1st piece of evidence SEE Set-Statement/example/explanation of your 2nd piece of evidence Concluding Sentence-Commentary that ties these SEE sets back to your topic sentence.

4 On a clean sheet of lined paper…
Step 1: Add MLA Heading (top left corner) Step 2: Add Title : Success in Beowulf In 1 paragraph (explanatory), respond to the following prompt: Identify 1 heroic trait displayed by Beowulf and explain how this trait was pivotal to his success in the epic (you must use textual evidence to show where/how Beowulf displays this heroic trait).

Gather EVIDENCE (and be careful to mark down the LINE NUMBERS for your parenthetical citations) EXAMPLE: “Beowulf arose, with his men [a]round him, ordering a few to remain” ( ). YOU NEED A MINIMUM OF 2 QUOTES IN THIS PARAGRAPH- AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE A TEXTBOOK AT HOME SO IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU FIND YOUR EVIDENCE FIRST

6 Start Drafting. Typed paragraphs are due to turnitin
Start Drafting! Typed paragraphs are due to by midnight on SUNDAY 8/14 Step 1: Add MLA Heading (top left corner) Step 2: Add Title : Success in Beowulf In 1 paragraph (explanatory), respond to the following prompt: Identify 1 heroic trait displayed by Beowulf and explain how this trait was pivotal to his success in the epic (you must use textual evidence to show where/how Beowulf displays this heroic trait). *Your paragraph must include 2 SEE sets, avoid personal pronouns, and be edited for conventions/ MLA FORMAT *

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