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Do Now What are some traditions your family has?.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What are some traditions your family has?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What are some traditions your family has?

2 Ms. Baquedano Pg. 16 Right side

3 Vocab Monotheism: The belief in one god
Sacrament: sacred rite of the Christian religion Messiah: liberator or savior of the people

4 Central Beliefs Belief that there is only one god. Christians are Monotheistic Belief that Jesus is the son of God and he is the messiah Belief that the Virgin Mary birthed Jesus Christ Their holy book is the Bible, specifically the New Testament

5 Practices of Christianity
Holy Sacraments Baptism: cleanses you of sin, your entry into church Confirmation: declaration of your faith Eucharist [communion]: taking of the body[bread] and blood[wine] of Christ Matrimony: Marriage under God Holy Orders: becoming a priest Penance: confessing sins Extreme Unction: last rites, done before death

6 Things to know Other religions do not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah Other religions have different sacraments Not all religions believe in ONE god Christianity came from Judaism [ The Jewish faith]

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