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Where Are We On This Year’s Improvement Journey?

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Presentation on theme: "Where Are We On This Year’s Improvement Journey?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Are We On This Year’s Improvement Journey?
Parent Information Meeting February

2 What are our….? Vision Values Aims
What do we want the essence of Crown Primary School to be widely know as?

3 That was our first question in September’s parent meeting. Since then …
Individual targets are being set in numeracy, literacy and HWB. Pupils will be having individual Learning Conversations with their teacher to help set these. Updated Curriculum Rationale built with staff and pupils to reflect our ambition- The Motivated School. The Visual Curriculum is helping pupils to be more fluent in the language of learning, more involved. Wall displays will reflect the learning of the class, not just activities. Weekly social skills are being shared and promoted, with individual pupils being recognised. A start on our Emotional Literacy Journey. Leadership Programme is providing lunchtime clubs, positive role models and more opportunities for personal recognition- VIP lunch! Staff are leading developments in literacy, numeracy and HWB.

4 Our next step…

5 So what comes next? Parents have told us that Learning Records are just that, a record. Parents want to support next steps for their child, not just look at what they have already learned. This will be communicated over the next year by a move towards “Live Learning” jotters where skills will be practised and “Latest and Best” where pupils will look for evidence of their own progress and will select evidence of progress and improvement. This fits with Highland Council’s move towards profiling and reporting. How do we make this sustainable for staff AND current for parents? The blog will still have photographic record of what learning looks like in your child’s class, and sometimes this will be evidenced in “Latest and Best” too. We will look at how we link your child’s targets with the home learning you are supporting. The Motivated School message is shared with all partners.

6 We’ve made a start to our Curriculum Rationale …
Motivated and Multicultural Outdoor Opportunities Teamwork and Targets Inclusive and Innovative Vision and Values Achievements are Aspirational Teaching Technologies Equality and Enterprise Diverse and Digitally Dynamic Skills for Life and Supportive Creative Curriculum Happy, Healthy and Historical Open Door Community Our Rights Respected Learning Languages

7 Pupil Council Quotes… A few weeks ago we set targets and put them on our wall for literacy, maths, health and wellbeing (Rory) There’s space for everyone to do what they want to do. (Hector) We recognise and celebrate when someone has reached their personal learning target, even if our own targets are very different. (William) Making people feel included in games and groups in class, choosing partners-never say “no” (Rose and Fergus)

8 And a recent parent voice…This is what we are aiming for for ALL pupils!
I just wanted to drop you both a note to thank you for your time last week. My husband and I both found it very useful to have quantifiable information on our son’s progress since we last met and a detailed roadmap for his expected growth over the next few months. We believe that this targeted approach reduces frustration and builds confidence in the child, and that it is an efficient use of everyone's time. Specifics are key to growth, and to parental trust in the pupil-teacher relationship – just hearing “he’s doing fine” and flicking through the learning record doesn’t cut it.

9 The long game…

10 Feedback Please add a post-it note to any/all of the topics. We need your honest feedback to help us understand whether the standard of service we think we are delivering is the standard that you and you child receives. Many thanks The Leadership Team

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