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Integrative Country Social Analysis

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1 Integrative Country Social Analysis
Anis Dani & Estanislao Gacitua-Mario Social Development Department ESSD Week March 10, 2004

2 Objectives of upstream social analytical work
Deepen understanding of the social, political, and institutional context Analyze the systemic issues and dynamic trends of elements in the context to inform policy choice and program design Obtain perspectives of different stakeholders to assess the ownership and sustainability of development programs Assess country systems and capacity to enhance social benefits and minimize or manage social risks, including safeguard risks

3 Principles of Integrative Country Social Analysis
Social identity and social relationships have a bearing on development outcomes Primary unit of analysis : social groups Analysis of opportunities, constraints and risks arising out of the social, political and institutional context Interaction between formal institutions, social institutions and informal practices Integrates different SD themes drawing on a wide range of tools and techniques – selectivity among modules and prioritizing within the modules based on country context, operational priorities and knowledge gaps Conflict Analysis Framework (e.g. Somalia, Nigeria) Civil Society Assessment (e.g. Albania, Senegal) Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (14 done, 73 underway) Country Gender Assessment (21 done, 14 underway)

4 ICSA Framework Social Analysis Themes
Intermediate Outcomes Assess Social diversity, poverty and economic opportunity Social relations, institutions and governance Role and capacity of civil society Social cleavages and conflict Poverty and social impacts of policy reforms and sector-wide programs Social risks, including social safeguards Inclusive Institutions Data gathering, collection, analysis and assessment Opportunities Constraints Accountable Institutions Risks Cohesive Societies Policy and Program Recommendations

5 Challenges Integration of various strands of social analytical work to formulate strategic priorities for policy and program design Identification of strategic opportunities to avoid errors of omission (e.g. informal sector, slum dwellers) Balance forward looking analysis with risk mitigation approach, such as in safeguard policies Establishing synergies with related analytical work – Poverty Assessment, Country Gender Assessment, and Country Economic Memorandum Building client ownership and client capacity to ensure sustainability

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