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The CHUSS Graduate Management Retooling Seminar (21/6/2018)

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1 The CHUSS Graduate Management Retooling Seminar (21/6/2018)
Policies and Processes: Managing Graduate Training at Makerere University The CHUSS Graduate Management Retooling Seminar (21/6/2018) David Okello Owiny Deputy Director (Admin) DRGT

2 Introduction On July 1, 1970, Makerere became an independent national university of the Republic of Uganda, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses Earlier Makerere offered undergraduate and postgraduate courses under the University of London (from 1949) and University of East Africa (from 1963)

3 Introduction School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) was established by Mak Council in 1994 SPS was renamed School of Graduate Studies (SGS) in 1998 SGS was to coordinate graduate training, research and outreach for the university Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT) was formed in 2010

4 Functions of SGS The functions of the SGS include the following;
To monitor the registration status and the progress of postgraduate students at different levels and in different faculties/institutes/schools To identify sources of and solicit for funds to support research and post graduate programmes To liaise with other universities and institutes/organisations on postgraduate research activities Producing an annual update on on-going research and publications in the university To provide courses and organising workshops, seminars, symposia on research activities

5 Functions of DRGT ADMISSION REGISTRATION Advertise graduate admissions
Receive Application forms Enter bio-data Disburse application forms to Colleges Open files for students Process Admission letters Send admission letters to Colleges for disbursement REGISTRATION Register all Makerere University Business School Students (MUBS) + Affiliated Institutions

6 Functions of DRGT EXAMINATION & AWARD Receive students’ final Thesis
Receive graduation lists for final checking for graduation Custodian of all graduate student files, data base and examination results Ensuring quality and uniformity in academic programmes, examination processes and the entire graduate training processes Formulating guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation examination Monitoring implementation of university policies and regulations concerning graduate training Processing and issuance of letter of award

7 Functions of Colleges ADMISSION REGISTRATION Consider applications
Recommend prospective students to the Board of Research and Graduate Training REGISTRATION Registration of first years Registration of continuing students Registration of withdrawals/ extensions Registration of retakes Send copies of registration forms DRGT for filing

8 Functions of Colleges EXAMINATIONS AND AWARD
Nominate supervisors (School Level) and appoint supervisors (Academic Board) Nominate and appoint Internal and External examiners Send the minutes and details of supervisors, examiners to the students’ file at DRGT Receive students’ progress reports Identify and appoint Doctoral Committee members Receive student books for examination Send the Thesis for Examination Receive Reports from Examiners

9 Functions of Colleges EXAMINATIONS AND AWARD
Organise viva voce/Public defense Send minutes of viva voce, examiners’ reports to DRGT Process payment for supervisors, internal and external examiners Receive, and send the final cleared, endorsed copy of the thesis to DRGT Approval of results by College Academic Board considers and sends copies of results to DRGT Clear students for graduation Send graduation lists to DRGT for final approval by Board

10 Policies & Processes Policies that guide graduate training can be categorized into the following: Admission Registration Teaching & Learning Research & Supervision Examination and Award

11 Admission Policies & Processes
Admission for PGD Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a recognized University in a subject or subjects relevant to the course applied for Admission for Masters Applicants with lower qualifications must show evidence of academic growth (research, publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma)

12 Admission Policies & Processes
Admissions for PhD Master’s degree from a recognized University in a field relevant to the area of further studies First degree graduates who wish to register for PhD would normally register for a master’s degree first and after a year or two of satisfactory progress may apply for upgrading of their candidature to PhD level (policy has not been implemented except for MISR MPhil/PhD)

13 Admission Policies & Processes
Recognized institutions Makerere recognizes institutions which have been Accredited or granted a Charter or which operate by an Act of Parliament or by a Statute Foreign universities shall be recognized if the information got from NCHE or Embassy attests to the fact that it merits recognition

14 Admission Policies & Processes
Provisional & Full Admissions All successful applicants are given Provisional Admission then a Full Admission after paying 60% of the fees and registering Applicants of PhD by research and thesis are given Provisional Admission (1 year) based on their concepts/synopsis Full Admission (3 years) of student of PhD by research and thesis is given after defending the proposal (and ethical – IRB – clearance where applicable)

15 Admission Policies & Processes
Credit transfer Must satisfy the admission requirement for the academic program(s) applied for Must submit an official academic transcript(s) and certificate from a recognized University/institution in which he/she was previously enrolled Must have obtained the equivalent of CGPA of ≥3.0 Will not transfer to Makerere University more than 60% of the graduation load of the programme applied for Will not transfer the equivalent of credits in a course in which she/he obtained a GP was lower than 3.0 Application is accompanied with recommendations

16 Registration Policies & Processes
When you are not registered, you a NOT a student! Registrations are done at Colleges but copies of documents should be sent to DRGT Registration is done 3 weeks from the beginning of a Semester Any student who has not registered according to the timeframe is considered to have declined the offer No place is reserved for anyone, therefore one who does not register will apply afresh when the place is advertised Requirement for registration – Evidence of payment of University fees !! Registration is done annually

17 Registration Policies & Processes
Withdrawal and Extension First year students may withdraw after paying 60% tuition and all functional fees Continuing students who cannot complete within the time allowed, may apply for extension Withdrawal application is the supervisor, is considered by HDRC and granted by College Academic Board Only 2 withdrawals allowed and each withdrawal shall not exceed a period of 1 academic year. The student extends at his/her cost (a quarter of 1 year tuition fee and functional fees)

18 Registration Policies & Processes
Deregistration A student who has overstayed by more than 2 years beyond the allowable extension period shall be deregistered A de-registered student may apply for a terminal diploma if he/she qualifies A deregistered student may appeal to the College Board for re-instatement, and if successful a fee is charged (All pending fees + a third of 1 year tuition fee and function fees)

19 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
Graduate programmes Masters programmes have 4 study plans Plan A, B, C, & D Plan A & B are commonly used PhD Programmes PhD by coursework and thesis PhD by research and thesis MPhil/PhD (only in MISR)

20 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
Plan A: Coursework and dissertation Dissertation examined externally and internally Dissertation defended in a viva voce Plan B: Course Work and Project/Field Report Coursework that shall constitute 75% of the entire work load for the Degree Internal examinations of Projects/Reports is mandatory

21 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
Plan C: Coursework load shall be 85% plus Examinations and 15% Seminar Series Plan D: Research and dissertation without coursework. Least popular plan

22 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
Crosscutting courses (PhDs) Advanced Research Methods (Core) Philosophy of Methods (Core) Advanced Gender Research Studies Statistical Methods and Computer Applications in Research Qualitative Data Management and Analysis Information Competence and Management Scholarly Writing and Communication Skills (Core) Others may be specific to the area of study

23 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
Progress reports Submit thru supervisor twice a year Progress reports are done using a form Is one of the checklists for graduation

24 Teaching and Learning Policies & Processes
PhD Study Plan Helps to plan for the study and research activities SP specifies the goals of the doctoral research, both in the short and long term Student works with the supervisors to develop an individual study plan Once finalised and agreed upon, SP shall be signed by both the supervisor and the student. SP is the contract between the supervisee (student), the supervisor and College The study plan is a useful guideline, useful in evaluating progress and subject to periodic reviews

25 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes
At least 2 supervisors per graduate student Supervisors are appointed by College Board (D/Principal) Supervisors must have expertise in the study field Supervisors’ shall post their profile and academic work/publications on the university website The maximum supervision load is three (3) doctoral students and not more than five (5) Masters Students at any given time Before you accept to supervise a student, make sure that you have the time and the competence to do so

26 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes

27 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes
Doctoral committees Appointed by the College A DC is based at Dept. level, Composed of 3 – 5 persons Constituted by Supervisors, HOD/Dean and 2 other experts deemed vital in the field Monitors the student’s progress throughout the study period Monitors research proposal development process Assess the intellectual challenges and merits of the research Ensure safety/ethical/legal issues in the study serve as the student’s advisory and performance assessment committee

28 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes
A candidate is not allowed to start on research or project work unless he/she has passed the taught courses Masters students on Plan A submit proposals 2nd week of year II Semester I (Sem3) Plan B 2nd Week of year II Semester II (sem4)

29 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes
Monograph (e.g) Title Page Acknowledgments Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Abstract Introduction Literature Review Methodology Main Findings Discussion of Results Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices

30 Research and Supervision Policies & Processes
Compilation of published papers/Chapters (e.g) Title Page Acknowledgments Abstract Table of Contents General Introduction General Literature Review General Methodology Published article Published article General Discussion Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices

31 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Intention to submit dissertation/thesis examination Before submission candidate gives written notice 6 months PhDs 3 months Masters must be endorsed by the Supervisor The written notice contains the proposed title and an outline of the plan and scope of work. PhD candidates submit their thesis by the end of their 3rd year of Full Registration. MUST have been under regular and approved supervision for at least 2 yrs

32 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Nomination & appointment of examiners When a candidate gives notice of submission: The School HDRC recommends the examiners and viva voce panel for approval and appointment by CAB CAB appoints 2 Internal and 1 Ext. examiner (External to the University!!) (approval and appointment usually done by the Deputy Principal) On submission, the College sends the books to examiners (given 3 months to examine)

33 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Examination reports Examiners are expected to submit their reports within 3 months to the College (Pass mark is 60%) If the marked is below pass mark .e.g. 50% the student is permitted to re-submit only ONCE A thesis can be recommended for re-writing and re-examination by any of the examiners Students who fall under this category shall pay re-submission fees for examination, registration, admission and Library A re-submission that fails the second time is Rejected/student dismissed and student offered a Certificate of due performance, indicating Failed Dissertation/Thesis, BUT student can appeal

34 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Public defence/Viva voce Where two reports are favourable, one of which must be from the External examiner, the School goes ahead to conduct the public defence After the viva, a copy of the minutes is sent to the DRGT A student attends to the concerns/queries raised by the examiners and the panel under guidance of one of the internal examiners The student writes a compliance report The overseer writes a recommending the candidate for the AWARD

35 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Documents required for Award Proof of payment of university dues Coursework examination results and accompanying minutes of the College Academic Board (PhD by coursework & Masters Plan A) Proof of registration (registration certificates) Copy of Intent to submit Letter of submission of dissertation / theses for examination Copies of Examiners’ reports

36 Examination and Award Policies & Processes
Documents continued Minutes of Public defense/viva voce Clearance letter by the person who over saw corrections Compliance report by student to show that comments were addressed Two hard bound copies and a soft copy of thesis Copies of at least 2 Publications (PhD) Soft copy of citation (PhD)

37 Thank you

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