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Q qsat qres Defines q-1 everywhere. q qsat qres Defines q-1 everywhere.

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2 q qsat qres Defines q-1 everywhere



5 Kirchoff Transform







12 Verification of sorts–
Comparison of PDE Phase Change solution with ODE Shooting Method

13 Grid size dependence

14 Pressure Head at z=.6

15 Mass Error Mass lost to time t

16 A two-D problem

17 Why---

18 Drainage under pavements--
See code here

19 NCED’s purpose: The surface is the environment!
to catalyze development of an integrated, predictive science of the processes shaping the surface of the Earth, in order to transform management of ecosystems, resources, and land use The surface is the environment!

20 Who we are: 19 Principal Investigators at 9 institutions across the U
Who we are: 19 Principal Investigators at 9 institutions across the U.S. Lead institution: University of Minnesota Research fields Geomorphology Hydrology Sedimentary geology Ecology Civil engineering Environmental economics Biogeochemistry

21 Solute uptake By river bed Some other projects Phase Change Models of Shoreline movement

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