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Route 156 Bike Way and Sound View Improvements Public Information Presentation #5 March 6, 2014 Special Town Meeting scheduled for March 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Route 156 Bike Way and Sound View Improvements Public Information Presentation #5 March 6, 2014 Special Town Meeting scheduled for March 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Route 156 Bike Way and Sound View Improvements Public Information Presentation #5 March 6, 2014 Special Town Meeting scheduled for March 24, 2014

2 Sound View is an integral part of Old Lyme and its history.


4 Sound View is Unique Developed in 1892 by Harry Hilliard, who firmly believed in the publics right to use the beach. Home to mix of seasonal & year-round residents a small commercial district a small public beach, which draws thousands of day-trippers in the summer.

5 Carousel - 1925 Allen Herschell carousel (complete with brass ring) Ice cream Shoppe Clothing boutique Vecchittos legendary Italian lemon ice Old-school arcade featuring vintage skee-ball lanes. Beach bar Beach Restaurant / Bar Community Center Rental properties Two Convenience stores Two take-out food establishments Two Pizza restaurants Gas station Church Vacant commercial block of buildings Economic Drivers for Sound View area

6 Sound View Design District Zoning Regulations 2005 5.13…encourage safe and healthy use of the area by providing for limited recreational opportunities and quiet enjoyment of the areas natural resources by residents and visitors within a family atmosphere….

7 Sound View Commission In 2010, the Sound View Commission was formed and began to study ways to creatively improve Sound View; quality of life, health and safety, commercial, and funding opportunities. A firm was hired to develop conceptual improvements on Hartford Ave. and the Town Parking lot. In Feb. 2013 this conceptual plan resulted in an approval of a Federal reimbursement grant through the DOT Transportation Alternatives fund!

8 Why Care about Sound View? Its our public beach and asset. Our taxes go towards public safety & health, and improvements. It attracts thousands of visitors to Old Lyme. Many of the problems associated with Sound View (noise, pollution, traffic, etc.) are a result of this attraction. The recent, unprecedented level of cooperation among the beach communities, town officials and police have resulted in some improvements and property sales. Sound View generates revenue for the Town through parking and business income, which helps pay for the policing and maintenance of the area.

9 Sound View Bike Way Route




13 Route 156 Bike Way and Sound View Improvements Conceptual Plan (2012)

14 Park and amenities :

15 Route 156 Bike Way and Sound View Improvements Conceptual Plan (2012) General Time-Line Insert bar graph

16 The Grant Process Application for the Transportation funding was made in early 2012. If awarded, the grant would fund up to 80% reimbursement for eligible project expenses. The Town of Old Lyme would be responsible for the remaining 20%. Notification of the valuable Federal grant award was made in the Winter of 2013 Committees were formed per ConnDOT QBS process for selection of engineering consultant for the design and specifications of the project. A Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was issued and BSC Group of Glastonbury was selected.

17 The Grant Process The Committee negotiated the Scope of Work and total fee with Consultant. The negotiations, though lengthy, resulted in a savings of $25,000 from the original estimate. The Scope of Work includes survey, permitting, design, construction specifications, bid documents and an Estimate of Probable Costs for the Bike Way and Sound View Improvements, including the park and restrooms. ConnDOT approved the scope of work and the cost of $135,000, plus 10% contingency, for the Design and Specifications of the project. Total to be approved at a Town Meeting is $148,500

18 If approved at Town Meeting, the town will be responsible for 20% Transportation Alternatives Grant: $118,800 Town of Old Lyme:$ 29,700 ConnDOT oversees each step of the process. Additional public information meetings will be scheduled to present the preliminary design, including bike way, landscaping and lighting. Final ConnDOT approved plans expected by Spring 2015, along with Estimate of Probable Costs of Construction. Then Phase 2 of the project begins The Grant Process

19 Special Town Meeting Monday, March 24, 2014 Middle School Auditorium; 7:30 PM Eligibility Requirements Registered voters of Old Lyme US Citizens who are 18 years of age and liable for taxes assessed on the last completed Grand List (Oct. 1) of the Town of Old Lyme, which assessment is not less than $1,000 per each name in which the title to property is held (this includes vehicles).

20 Questions? Postcard from early 1900s

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