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Trees or waves?.

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Presentation on theme: "Trees or waves?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trees or waves?

2 Why are there accents and dialects?

3 1.Trees

4 1.Trees


6 1.Trees

7 1.Trees 1bruð0r 1bruð0 1bruð0r

8 Condition: im what circumstances Process: what happens r becomes zero
slash Condition: im what circumstances Process: what happens The underline shows the position of the process r becomes zero (r disappears) in front of a consonant or end of word

9 “r disappears when it is followed by a consonant or comes at the end of the word”

10 1.Trees 1bruð0r

11 1.Trees 1bruð0r FOOT-STRUT Split 1buT0 1brÆð0 1buT0r 1brÆð0r

12 The tree diagram fails to explain why the FOOT-STRUT Split should occur in BOTH dialects after they had split from each other!!

13 ISOGLOSS a +a +b +a -b -a +b b -a -b Recap:
They split the area into 4 different language varieties.

14 Recap:

15 Recap:

16 Recap:

17 1.Trees 2. Waves .... the spread of innovations ...


19 Innovations Where they occur Why they occur How they spread

20 Innovations Where they occur - anywhere.
Possibly more likely in times/places of greater social change

21 Innovations Why they occur random? reaction? drift?

22 Innovations How they spread prestige population movements
identity of the group the grass is greener population movements

23 Innovations Unconscious and conscious or explicit innovations
"He drops his h's" "She rolls her r's" "Going up at the end of a sentence" Innovations can be conscious but not explicit: "An Australian accent" ....


25 Linguistic areas Sprachbund -bünde

26 Linguistic areas Sprachbund -bünde

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