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The Six Kingdoms.

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Presentation on theme: "The Six Kingdoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Six Kingdoms

2 Before we get to the kingdoms…
Prokaryote: An organism whose cells lack a nucleus some other cell structures. Eukaryote: An organism with cells that contain nuclei and other cell structures. Heterotroph: An organism that cannot make its own food. Autotroph: An organism that can make its own food.

3 This is how scientists classify today:
Is it unicellular or multicellular? Is it a heterotroph or an autotroph? Is it a prokaryote or a eukaryote? 1 cell More than 1 cell Can’t make its own food Makes its own food Lacks a nucleus Has a nucleus

4 Archaebacteria “Ancient Bacteria”.
Already existed on Earth for millions of years before dinosaurs appeared. Examples: bacteria that live in extremely hot environments. Classification: Unicellular Autotrophs or heterotrophs Prokaryotes

5 Eubacteria Bacteria that produce yogurt.
Bacteria that give you strep throat. Classification: Unicellular Autotrophs and Heterotrophs Prokaryotes

6 Protists “odds and ends” kingdom.
Examples: Seaweed, algae, amoeba, paramecium, euglena. Classification: Most are unicellular Autotrophs and Heterotrophs Eukaryotes

7 Fungi Mushrooms, Mold, and Mildew. Feed on dead or decaying organisms.
Classification: Multicellular (except yeast) Heterotrophs Eukaryotes

8 Plants Without plants life on Earth would not exist. Why?
Plants feed almost all heterotrophs on Earth. Dandelions in a field, mosses in a forest, and tomatoes in a garden. Classification: Multicellular Heterotrophs Eukaryotes

9 Animals Animals have different adaptations that allow them to locate food, capture it, eat it, and digest it. Classification: Multicellular Heterotrophs Eukaryotes

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