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Pilot studies: land use and land cover statistics

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1 Pilot studies: land use and land cover statistics
Synergies between LUCAS and the national systems

2 LUCAS grants: statistics + micro data
Explore a better integration of MS data into the EUROSTAT LC/LU statistics production cycle Quality, cost efficiency, timeliness  harmonise LC/LU statistics in MS, access to micro data  integrate LUCAS in national in-situ survey

3 LUCAS Grants 2012 (12 – 18 month) Duration: 12 – 18 month, interim report June 2013, final workshop June 2014 Part A: Delivering specific land cover/use statistics 7 grants (DE, EL, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT) Part B: Integration of LUCAS in national in-situ surveys 4 grants (EL, IT, NO, PT)

4 Part A: Land cover/use statistics
* Data sources - classification, precision * Methodology - for calculating areas * Areas calculated – results & quality * Pilot data collection * Micro data access conditions * Update cycles  Land cover or land use data or both

5 Questions 1) Specificities of different data sources?
2) Calculations: approximations, uncertainties? Error propagation 3) Comparison of results from different sources Comparability and discrepancies Reasons for discrepancies 4) Which LUCAS statistics can be covered easily, with adaptations, with difficulties? 5) Micro-data access

6 Part B:LUCAS and national in-situ surveys
* Analyse a national in-situ survey * How to integrate LUCAS? * Costs, drawbacks and benefits

7 FAQ & general questions
1) U130 "Mining and quarrying" --> sub-class U133 "Other mining and quarrying" is missing. (p. 12 of the technical specifications of the tender) 2) "Other" categories

8 Greece

9 Italy AGRIT (Agricultural survey):
Major crops Sample points are selected in the strata of POPOLUS classified as agricultural areas INFC (Forest and carbon sinks inventory) Coherent with FAO/FRA  POPOLUS: 500 m grid, photo-interpreted points, updated every 5 – 6 years

10 Norway National area frame survey of land cover and outfield land resources Based on LUCAS 2003 18 by 18 km sampling frame Complete survey for PSUs Similar field form Photographs Timing: 10 years

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