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Presentation on theme: "WORLD HISTORY Mr. Lopresti."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD HISTORY Mr. Lopresti

2 World History August 21, 2017 (‘A’ day)
Agenda Attendance Administrative tasks Distribute forms Rules of class Course objectives and requirements Objectives Understand what is expected of you and what you can expect from World History course Mr. Lopresti

3 About Mr. Lopresti What have I done Jobs Hobbies Pets Education
Substitute teacher for two years. I know all the tricks. Hobbies Reading Videogames (PS4) I like open world RPG’s mostly. Writing I have written a book. It’s in its first draft. Pets I have a Labrador mix dog. Education College Degree- Majored in History. Mr. Lopresti

4 Contact Information I like to use the Remind app. If this is not available to you we can work out another line of communication. Remind is the fastest way to get in contact with me. I check my voic only once a day and my twice a day. Each class has their own separate Remind. Make sure you follow the right class! Also there is a separate class for parents.

5 Joining Remind by Computer
Go to Remind url: Make sure to join the right class! Mr. Lopresti

6 Joining Remind by Phone
Type your correct class code to 81010 Parents: All Students: Period Period Period Period Period

7 The Class Website The class website: Note – put a note in the agenda
Check regularly. I put important information on it. Note – put a note in the agenda Please do not leave a message on my voice mail.

8 World History Materials Required
Spiral notebook for daily notes or a binder A folder for worksheets Blue/Black pens #2 pencils wide-ruled paper (for quizzes and tests) AGENDA - MUST HAVE SOME TYPE! Hand held pencil sharpener Note: I have very limited supplies. I cannot give you supplies every day. Mr. Lopresti

9 World History Materials needed for classroom
Copy paper Tissue boxes Paper towels Construction Paper Mr. Lopresti

10 What we will study this year
Review of geography, maps, economics, and basic government Early man Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Roman Republic/Roman Empire Ancient Americas Mr. Lopresti

11 Rules of Class Arrive on time
In your seat when the bell rings Marked tardy if late. Four tardies leads to referral Remain in your assigned seat at all times Raise your hand if you need to get out of your seat seat assignments will change several times Mr. Lopresti

12 Rules of Class Attention signal When I’m talking, you are listening
Clap once, clap twice, clap three times Absolute quiet Respond always within 5 seconds When I’m talking, you are listening Raise your hand to speak No yelling out to me or across room to others Do not get out of seat without Mr. Lopresti’s permission Mr. Lopresti

13 2 = Low talking (small groups) 3 = Conversation voice
Conversation Levels 0 = Silence 1 = Whisper 2 = Low talking (small groups) 3 = Conversation voice 4 = Presentation voice 5 = Yelling (playground) Mr. Lopresti

14 Rules of Class Behavior During Class Activities
Activity 1 - Warm-up/Do Now Conversation level = 0 Activity 2 –Mr.Lopresti’s Lecture When I’m talking, you are listening Unless I open the floor for discussion. Activity 3 – Discussion and Class work Conversation level = 2-3 The voice level depends on the lesson for the day. Mr. Lopresti

15 Rules of Class Show RESPECT to Mr. Lopresti and each other at all times What does RESPECT mean? Attentive, listening No interruption Appropriate voice levels Appropriate language Mr. Lopresti

16 Rules of Class No electronic devices of any kind out unless I allow it. No gum, food, or non-water drinks Only water in a closeable bottle. No cups. they WILL be taken away Repeat offenders will get detention Respect the classroom any student marking on desks, walls or books will be identified and there WILL be CONSEQUENCES Mr. Lopresti

17 Rules of Class Class disruption WILL NOT BE tolerated
NO ONE will take away a student’s to learn and be successful Immediate removal from class. If there is any CHEATING, automatic zero on homework, project, quiz or test Mr. Lopresti

18 Consequences For Not Following Rules of Class
1st Offense- Verbal Warning 2nd Offense– Student conference 3rd Offense – Time out in another classroom and call home. 4th Offense – referral to administration: internal suspension. Mr. Lopresti

19 World History Entering the Classroom
Line up in single file line outside classroom door Enter quietly and take assigned seat Remove necessary materials from backpack NO BACKPACKS ON LAP AT ANYTIME! Begin Do Now (warm-up) immediately I will check homework after warm-up Mr. Lopresti

20 World History End of Period Dismissal
The clock or the bell does NOT dismiss this class ONLY Mr. Lopresti will dismiss class When the bell rings, stay in seat and look at me!! I will dismiss class one row at a time or all at once depending on the situation. Things to do in the last five minutes: Place class work in pockets next to my desk. Pick up any trash or paper around desk Do not get out of your seat until Mr. Lopresti dismisses class Mr. Lopresti

21 World History Restroom Procedures
No pass for first 10 minutes of class or last 10 minutes of class One person at a time MUST HAVE AGENDA TO SIGN Raise your hand if you are requesting a pass I must sign your agenda Sign-out in book next to door Name, time out, time in Mr. Lopresti

22 World History Assignment Policy
No homework is accepted late unless student was absent You class participation WILL impact your grade On task from bell to belL Mr. Lopresti

23 World History Assignment Policy
Late projects will result in the loss of at least a full letter grade. If you make it a habit to be absent on test/quiz days I will contact your parents and student services. You will also take an alternate test/quiz NO “do-overs!” – EVER!!!! Mr. Lopresti

24 World History Books Each student is assigned a text book.
We will go to the media center to check out the book from the Media Center. See Mrs. Divich tomorrow. For home AND class Go to BEEP to access textbook online to help with homework Mr. Lopresti

25 World History Grading Components
Homework – 10 pts. each Quizzes – 200 pts. each Projects – 300 pts each Tests – 300 pts. each Class participation points (given at end of quarter) – 150 to 200 pts Mr. Lopresti

26 World History Daily Schedule
Do Now Review homework Discussion of new topics Class work Assign homework Mr. Lopresti

27 World History Weekly Schedule
EVERY Wednesday is CARE day 8:20 in the morning. Come in for extra help. EVERY Friday Quiz or test Mr. Lopresti

28 World History And Finally . . .
I am here to HELP you!! But you have to ask for help! I stay for a half hour after school and have 4th Period Planning. I do not GIVE grades. You give me good work, you will get good grades. Mr. Lopresti

29 World History Homework
Get forms signed -forms are due this Friday

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