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Nov. 28 Topics.

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1 Nov. 28 Topics

2 Wireframe Plan for Page

3 We will create the form on the right side, focusing on section 9
We will create the form on the right side, focusing on section 9.6 Accessibility and forms body {background-color: #333333; } form { background-color: ghostwhite; width: 500px; margin: 25px; fieldset { border: 3px ridge #cc0080; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; label { float: left; width: 100px; clear: left; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; #ptype { width: 150px; fieldset input, textarea, select { display: block; width: 300px; <form method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Pet Questions</legend> <label for="fullname"> Full Name </label> <input type ="text" name="fullname" id="fullname"> <label for =" "> Address</label> <input type =" " name = " " id=" "> <label for="ptype">Type of Pet</label> <select name="ptype" id="ptype" size="4"> <option>Snake </option> <option>Dog </option> <option>Cat </option> <option>Bird </option> <option>Turtle </option> </select> <label for="message">Request or Message</label> <textarea name="message" id="message" cols="40" rows="5"> </textarea> </fieldset> <input type="submit" value="Send Message" name="submit" id="submit"> </form> It would be better for us to create this from scratch, but if time does not allow, we’ll copy and examine.

4 Basics of Animation (Also, keep in mind that transitions and transformations often used with animation.) A CSS animation is an instruction to progressively update one or more CSS properties over a period of time. Building Blocks  Keyframes -- for stages and styles  Name  Stages, as a percentage   CSS Properties, defined for each stage. e.g. opacity, or transform.   Properties -- to elements   Assign Define how  animated  

5 Animation involves 2 basic parts
The animation code Applying the animation to an element More Information at:

6 Animation: Purpose is to constantly change background color
Double click on animateONE.txt. Copy to your style sheet. I’ll give more instructions on applying it .

7 Animation: Purpose is to move object in rectangular motion
Double click on animateTWO.txt. Copy to your style sheet. I’ll give more instructions on applying it.

8 Transformation: When user hover over div, it spins
Double click on animateTHREE.txt. Copy to your style sheet. I’ll give more instructions on applying it to the HTML parts.

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