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Learning Target: I can add an effective conclusion to my literary analysis essay. Do Now: After writing the bulk of your literary analysis essay, why is.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target: I can add an effective conclusion to my literary analysis essay. Do Now: After writing the bulk of your literary analysis essay, why is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target: I can add an effective conclusion to my literary analysis essay.
Do Now: After writing the bulk of your literary analysis essay, why is this an important type of essay to write?

2 Building up your Body Of all the paragraphs, the body paragraphs are most difficult to write. Why? This is where you actually have to use reason and logic! In other words, if you don’t think before writing, you will more than likely repeat yourself, go off topic, or not write enough.

3 THINK: The author attempts to convey what themes?
The author employs which techniques to convey the theme, mood, characterization, and etc.? What ideas lie beneath the text? What significance/importance does the reader find in the work? How does my research support this?

4 What will your body paragraphs look like?
Text One A. Analyze the author’s purpose using T.I.E.D. B. Close/transition to the next paragraph Text Two A. Analyze the author’s purpose using T.I.E.D. B. Close/transition to the next paragraph Compare/Contrast A. How does the author’s purpose differ? How is it similar throughout the two texts? B. Analyze the similarities/differences using T.I.E.D.



7 Now you try! Look back at your notes and what you have completed of your essay so far. Begin to construct your conclusion using your outline. Remember to self assess and make sure that you have all of the necessary parts of a conclusion!

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