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Range JEOPARDY Step 1: Start Slideshow from the beginning. Step 2: Advance to Slide 2 by pressing enter or clicking on the blue area of the slide. Game.

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Presentation on theme: "Range JEOPARDY Step 1: Start Slideshow from the beginning. Step 2: Advance to Slide 2 by pressing enter or clicking on the blue area of the slide. Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Range JEOPARDY Step 1: Start Slideshow from the beginning. Step 2: Advance to Slide 2 by pressing enter or clicking on the blue area of the slide. Game board will appear. Step 3: Click on the dollar amount for desired category. Step 4: Advance to next slide by clicking on the blue area of the slide Step 5: Click on the asterisk which will return the slide show to the game board. S Step 6: Repeat step 3 – 5. To get to Final Jeopardy, click on the yellow star in the lower right hand corner of the game board.

2 Rangeland Plants Rangeland Animals Ecological Sites Burn Baby Burn General Range E & T Species 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 Step 1: Start Slideshow from the beginning. Step 2: Advance to Slide 2. Game board will appear. Step 3: Click on the dollar amount for desired category. Step 4: Advance to next slide. Step 5: Click on the asterisk which will return the slide show to the game board. S Step 6: Repeat steps 3 – 5. To get to Final Jeopardy, click on the yellow star in the lower right hand corner of the game board. 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 1-100 This type of land can be called prairie, steppe, pampas, swards or meadows.

4 1-100A What is Rangeland? * $100

5 22.6 million acres or 46% of the land area.
1-200 22.6 million acres or 46% of the land area.

6 How much of Nebraska is made up of rangeland?
How much of Nebraska is made up of rangeland? * $200

7 Daily Double!!

8 1-300 Twenty types of these have been identified in the Nebraska Natural Legacy Project, State Wildlife Action Plan.

9 What are Biologically Unique Landscapes?
What are Biologically Unique Landscapes? * $300

10 1-400 This rangeland type is the largest stabilized sand dune complex in the western hemisphere and one of the largest contiguous areas of grassland in the US.

11 What are the Nebraska Sandhills?
What are the Nebraska Sandhills? * $400

12 This is the nation’s top cow-calf producing county.
1-500 This is the nation’s top cow-calf producing county.

13 Cherry County, Nebraska?
What is Cherry County, Nebraska? * $500

14 2-100 These plants have long, narrow leaves with parallel veins; leaves in two rows on the stem and jointed stems.

15 2-100A What are grasses? * $100

16 These plants have solid unjointed stems.
2-200 These plants have solid unjointed stems.

17 2-200A What are rushes? * $200

18 Nebraska is home to 59 of this type of native plant.
2-300 Nebraska is home to 59 of this type of native plant.

19 2-300A What are legumes? * $300

20 Smooth brome, cheatgrass, and intermediate wheatgrass are examples of this type of plant.

21 What are introduced grasses?
What are introduced grasses? * $400

22 Plants with this growth form have spreading underground stems and are also referred to as sod forming.

23 2-500A What is rhizomatous? * $500

24 Bison, pronghorn, elk and deer
3-100 Bison, pronghorn, elk and deer

25 What are native ungulates (to North America)?
What are native ungulates (to North America)? * $100

26 These are the four basic things that animals need to survive.
3-200 These are the four basic things that animals need to survive.

27 What are food, water, cover and space?
What are food, water, cover and space? * $200

28 3-300 Animals that were once domesticated but have reverted to a wildlife lifestye.

29 3-300A What are feral animals? * $300

30 The small stems of woody plants.
3-400 The small stems of woody plants.

31 3-400A What is browse? * $400

32 Plant material is fermented in an enlarged cecum or colon which is located past the stomach in these herbivores.

33 What are Hind-gut fermenters?
What are Hind-gut fermenters? * $500

34 4-100 This site occurs on deep sandy soils with slopes exceeding 20% and is characterized by “catsteps”.

35 4-100A What is Choppy Sands? * $100

36 This site occurs on very steep slopes and soils that are limy, deep and have a silt loam surface layer. “Catsteps” are common on this site.

37 What is a Loess Breaks site?
What is a Loess Breaks site? * $200

38 4-300 This site consists of soils with a silty clay or clay subsoil. Water movement is restricted by clay. Soils are sticky when wet and very hard when dry.

39 4-300A What is a clayey site? * $300

40 4-400 The most common site outside of the Sandhills; soils are loamy, productive and frequently cropped.

41 What is a Loamy Upland Site?
What is a Loamy Upland Site? * $400

42 This site occurs on bottomlands, and stream terraces where the water table is between 10-60” from the surface.

43 What is a Subirrigated site?
What is a Subirrigated site? * $500

44 Areas essential to the survival of endangered and threatened species.
5-100 Areas essential to the survival of endangered and threatened species.

45 What are critical habitats?
What are critical habitats? * $100

46 Nebraska’s federally listed endangered plant.
5-200 Nebraska’s federally listed endangered plant.

47 What is blowout penstemon?
What is blowout penstemon? * $200

48 5-300 These species are globally or nationally at risk of extinction or extirpation.

49 What are Tier I At-Risk Species?
What are Tier I At-Risk Species? * $300

50 Nebraska has 680 species with this designation.
5-400 Nebraska has 680 species with this designation.

51 What are Tier II At-risk species?
What are Tier II At-risk species? * $400

52 Nebraska’s state listed endangered plants.
5-500 Nebraska’s state listed endangered plants.

53 What are Colorado butterfly plant and saltwort?
* $500

54 6-100 A fire applied to a predetermined area under a specific set of environmental conditions to achieve certain objectives.

55 What is a prescribed burn?
What is a prescribed burn? * $100

56 These are the elements of the fire triangle.
6-200 These are the elements of the fire triangle.

57 What are fuel, heat and oxygen?
What are fuel, heat and oxygen? * $200

58 6-300 A rating of 5 or 6 indicates dry, unstable atmosphere and burning under these conditions will result in extreme fire behavior.

59 What is the Haines Index?
What is the Haines Index? * $300

60 6-400 The person in charge of the prescribed burn. This person is experienced in prescribed burning, familiar with fire behavior and communicates well.

61 6-400A Who is the Burn Boss? * $400

62 6-500 This type of fire moves against the wind, moves slowly and is only intense when fuel loads are high or when moving uphill.

63 6-500A What is a backing fire? * $500

64 Write down how much you want to wager.
Final Jeopardy The category is “Poisonous Plants ” Write down how much you want to wager.

65 This plant has caused death in humans when they mistook it for wild onion and ate it.

66 What is death camas?

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