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Quality and Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Quality and Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality and Leadership
Jan King, M.D., M.P.H. Medial Director Office of AIDS Programs and Policy Los Angeles County This is the main title slide. It should be amended to reflect the name of the person (or people) who is (or people who are) giving the presentation. It should also reflect title and division information for the presenter(s). The title (and subtitle, if appropriate) of the presentation should also be substituted where indicated (see next slide for example). Additional Title Slides should be used where appropriate if a new speaker is introduced within the course of a presentation.

2 Importance of Leadership
Vision Support Resources

3 Lessons Learned Buy-in from senior managers is key
Leadership in your organization must be continuously educated on Quality Quality leaders who embrace vision, creativity and a positive attitude are successful

4 Next Steps for New Programs
Create a plan Educate your key power brokers Infuse quality statements in work and discussions Roll out quality management plan to senior managers Demonstrate need by illustrating current status with data Make suggestions of possible areas to improve Create a compelling augment for why quality is consistent with agency’s vision and mission

5 Implementing Quality in a System
Goals Effectiveness Efficiency Synergy

6 Implementing Quality in a System
Challenges Changing an established culture Changing an established work process Changing an established outcomes

7 Lessons Learned: Quality in a System
People feed off competition Most agencies want to be recognized as providing the best care! Informal provider networks provide alternative learning opportunities Effective information systems are crucial

8 Next Steps : Creating Quality Culture in Your System
Create a plan to establish quality culture Collect agency data to establish baselines Recruit eager stakeholders Develop work meetings to develop rapport and teach agency staff quality processes Measure improvement

9 Thank You Jan King, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Director Los Angeles County
Office of AIDS Programs and Policy

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